Thursday, July 30, 2020

PLOG 70: Lego Storage Plan

My PLOG continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

Oh wow. My PLOG has made it to 70 entries! WOOT! I should celebrate with some more ice cream.

I've thought a lot about my Lego storage over the years, especially after having moved so many times in my life. I have huge plastic bins that I use to store sets. I used to have unsorted Lego in those bins as well. Then I got shoebox size plastic bins for sorting. That helped a lot. So have the reused gallon ice cream buckets.

One of the most important parts of my system is my set of bookshelves. Over the years I have bought a bunch of the tall $20-50 bookshelves from Wal-Mart that you have to put together yourself, that have 5 shelves. I now have 5 of those tall bookshelves next to each other across one wall of my bedroom, with extra shelves from old ones that I cannibalized and trashed.

I have already re-organized the bins for the main bricks, plates, tiles, and slopes that compose the majority of the first 3 bookshelves. I have drafted how I want the last 2 to end up, but I still haven't moved all of the bins around for that one. What you see below are screen captures from my Google Docs spreadsheet where I am keeping track of the storage; it's what it working best for my collection:

Your collection is likely very different, but feel free to use my system if you wish. It's constantly changing, but it works. I'll eventually get some actual photos up, but for now know that I use sticky notes to label the bins.

That's it for now.

Be safe out there and I'll be safe at home.

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