Wednesday, July 8, 2020

PLOG 48: CDC & Schools

My PLOG (Personal Log) continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

The news today continues to highlight Trump's desire to get the schools open, despite the lack of safety in our pandemic crisis. The infection and death numbers continue to rise.

Why? Why do the conservatives want schools to open? My best guess is because of the economy. They want those kids going to school so the parents can go to work. They are willing to ignore the guidelines put into place by the CDC - oh wait, breaking news - they are forcing the CDC to change the guidelines? Its this legal?

What the what? It isn't safe to re-open schools. Science shows this as fact. So they are using their authority to rewrite the facts, to change what our scientific organizations are reporting. And they aren't even trying to hide it. This is such obvious abuse of power, but they will get richer and their 1% buddies who fun their campaigns will get richer.

Meanwhile teachers and students will be sacrificed for the economy. Oh, and the family members of teachers and students. This situation is just absurd at this point. My spouse has assured me that I can quit my job if they try to force us to go back to in-person school, but realistically we don't have the money for that. What would I do? Pull all of my retirement money out to pay bills as long as possible and then be broke and move back in with family? Gross. But it's either that or risk getting seriously ill with health complications, huge medical bills (which would put us in the same situation of being broke), and/or possibly dying.

I don't want to be sacrificed for the economy or so some people can get re-elected. I don't want my life ruined so they can blow a bunch of money on a campaign rally.

At least the Ivy League universities seem to have their act together, with some of them already announcing online learning in the fall and cancellation of sports.

That's where it's at. Let us teachers work from home, where it's safe. Let the students learn online, where it's safe.

At this point, Texas Gov. Abbott is our last hope. He can shut down the schools. But will he? Can anyone talk sense to Trump and get him to realize what his threats are doing to people? The suspense and anxiety are stress-inducing.

Be safe out there (and I'll be safe at home)!

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