Friday, July 10, 2020

PLOG 50: More Lockdown

My PLOG (Personal Log) continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

While most states have "paused" their "reopening" of the economy, the mayor of Atlanta, Georgia has issued a statement that they will have to go back into lockdown.

Remember lockdown? That was when everyone was told to do what I've still been doing - staying at home. It's so weird to me that so many people don't understand that this is potentially a life and death situation. I believe in "better safe than sorry" and maintaining "best practices," though I realize that makes me sound like a scared non-risk-taker. So be it. I'm alive and, as far as I know, I haven't gotten the virus yet.

I think we should all be on lockdown and only essential workers should be out there. We should maintain that status until an actual solution to the virus comes up. That means sacrificing our old ways of life.

Meanwhile Trump is continuing to paint the picture that everything is fine. What lies! He won't even meet with Dr. Fauci in person. He doesn't want Dr. Fauci on TV telling people the truth. I don't get it. At this point, is Trump literally wanting US citizens to die? I just don't understand. At least his approval polls are going down. That gives me hope that his followers are starting to wake up.

Some of the experts on TV are now saying that the virus is out of control and that if our national leadership doesn't change something, we won't get it back under control. That means people shouldn't expect the situation to get better. And yet they do. People keep saying that next week or next month we will have sporting events with people in the audience or we will be able to go back to school or something similar. Such strange denial.

Such strange denial. I am willing to admit that I escape into fantasy with literature and video games, but not because I am in denial of the situation. It's because I'm stuck in my home all the time. What else is there to do? LOL.

Be safe out there (and I'll be safe at home)!


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