Thursday, July 2, 2020

PLOG 42: Masks

My Personal Log (PLOG) continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

There I was enjoying playing Minecraft with the news on in the background when the unthinkable happened...

Texas Gov. Abbott finally mandated mask use (with some exceptions - but for the majority of people in the state while out in public)! It's celebration time. I guess enough people died, enough people go sick, enough businesses are going down despite the re-opening of the economy that he couldn't help but take action. It's unfortunate that it takes so much to get Abbott to return to trying to lead the state.

It's also unfortunate that experts who are looking into the numbers, think that Texas is seriously underreporting our deaths.

That means our numbers for deaths should probably be about 4,000 more - and it makes me wonder if this is happening in a lot of other states. Odds are, we really have no idea how huge the numbers of infected and deaths really are - and we won't find out as long as people keep hiding them.

Why would admins hide the death numbers? I suppose, in theory, they want to look good. More infections and more deaths makes the leaders look bad, since they are supposed to be in charge.

History is going to look back at us - assuming that humanity survives all of this - and wonder why we were so weak and unable to find good leaders. They will likely wonder why we kept letting it get out of control when doctors, scientists, and other experts knew exactly what to do to turn the numbers down and gain control of the situation. Look at Japan; they never shut down the economy but everyone has worn masks and they seem to have this under control.

Too many Americans are in denial and acting like idiots. Even some people who are trying to do good though, they are ending up as collateral. Take this hospital testing line from Houston, for example:

Sigh. "If they didn't have #COVID19 before, they probably have it now" sounds about right.

Be safe out there (and I'll be safe at home)!

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