Friday, July 24, 2020

PLOG 64: Lego Jack's Beach Buggy Review

My PLOG continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

Here's another short review to help me catch up for falling behind on the blog the last 2 days.

The Lego Group (TLG) recently announced the end of the Hidden Side series, which has had 2 waves (1 in 2019 and 1 in 2020). It was short-lived, but really interesting. They used lots of bright colors and the theme's story seemed to focus on a group of kids who were like Ghostbusters, finding and revealing people who were possessed by what I assume are evil spirits or ghosts of some kind.

I like the hats and hairs and interesting clothing for the minifigs in the series. They also had interesting locations and vehicles, like a school and a school bus, that I wish we would have gotten normal versions of instead of the monster versions in this series.

In honor of the end of the series, I give you a quick review of a Hidden Side set called Jack's Beach Buggy. Here's the set:

My thoughts:

*Fantastic hat/hair pieces and outfits for the minifigs.
*Fun, interesting colors.
*Extra stickers!
*Interesting use of rubber bands for the buggy suspension system.
*It would be easy to convert into a regular beach buggy (with no Hidden Side stuff).

*Goodbye Hidden Side.
*Awkward free-standing Octan gas tank.

That's it for today. Be safe out there and I'll be safe at home!

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