Saturday, July 18, 2020

PLOG 58: Lego Avengers Tower Battle

My PLOG continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

I'll probably be back to discussing the news and politics tomorrow, but for today let's enjoy some more Lego sets! I had the Thanos Mech sitting around waiting to be built. My Avengers Tower Battle set arrived in the mail from the free 12 in 1 build set.

The free 12 in 1 set is nice and colorful, but I doubt I'll ever put it together. I'll either distribute the parts into my collection or eventually resell it. I'm just not excited about it like I am the sets I bought. Let's start with the Thanos Mech, since it will be simple and quick to build. I bought the set, like most people did I'm sure, for the Thanos minifig. The mech is nice too though...

Overall, I ended up liking the build more than I thought I would because, once it's put together, it can be fun to position the giant arms, hands, and fingers. The Thanos Mech uses transparent round 1x1 tiles to represent the Infinity Stones, instead of the little pieces from the previous sets. In face, some of those stone pieces are in the Avengers Tower Battle set (the blue and the purple ones).

My review:
*The Ironman figures, Black Widow, and Red Skull are great.
*The Avengers Tower can easily be added onto to fit into a modular city display.
*The stickers included a joke that Hawkeye was "on hold" since he isn't in the set.
*They provided 2 different TV screens: one for the news and one for the video game.
*They included the nice video game controller piece.
*There are a lot of play/exploding functions added into the tower building.

*Who really wants generic AIM Agents?
*The sticker sheet for the tower is all transparent stickers, which means you have to be more careful not to get your fingerprints stained on them and to not mess up applying it with a blur effect.
*The story is weird because the AIM Agents are rescuing Red Skull.

I hope you enjoyed the review today and/or found it helpful.

That's it for today. Be safe out there (and I'll be safe at home)!

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