Saturday, July 18, 2020

PLOG 59: 140,000

My PLOG continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

Well, it's after midnight so I turned the news back on and I was saddened to realize that today we will pass the 140,000 total death count for the US. It's a horrible day.

I saw some more bad news for Texas. In addition to what CNN is reporting with the record number of infections, deaths, and hospitalizations (seen below) - schools have been allowed to push back the school start date for students; despite the change from TEA, many school districts are still insisting teachers report to work around August 3 to August 6.

 I'm clinging to hope for some kind of intervention to save the kiddos and the staff; parents have been given the choice to either send their kids in person or have online school. I hope they all pick online school. It's not just unsafe, it's less safe than it was in the past when we shut down. Going back now will certainly mean death for some people. Those will be preventable deaths.

Apparently the Portland officials are allowing law enforcement officers (of some kind) in unmarked vans to take away protesters for questioning and/or arrest. In the US, this is certainly shocking. The speculation online is that these officials who are not identifying their agency are actually private security and not actual police or military forces. But where are the protestors being taken and what is happening to them?

What's that next to the TV? Another box arrived in the mail. I've got some sorting to do.

Be safe out there (and I'll be safe at home)!

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