Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Logs 751-800: Legacy Gen 1B

Note: These old logs are organized by in-game years (with the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk dates used) and include the details of Akoru's adventuring party (which became Ravenguard). Unfortunately, my notes are incomplete, but I will update this again when I find the rest of the logs for these adventures...
Legacy 1B: 

1356 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[Modules: Nightwatch in the Living City] 
Akoru, the human druid son of Naoku, was off trying to make it on his own in the world and ended up in Ravens Bluff (a.k.a. “The Living City”). Some friends he made convinced him to sign up for the tryouts of the Night Watch of Ravens Bluff so he went and got sworn in as an apprentice, along with: Tondrea Metisca the human illusionist, Konklen Peacekeeper the Halfling fighter, Thaldorf Hardground the dwarf cleric, Tavera Silverthorne the elf thief, Sandino Brave the human fighter, and Fenwick Tallgrass the human wizard. Their squad was tasked with patrolling the part of the city known as “Fishtown” as part of their testing/training to see if they would be hired on full-time.

While out on patrol, they stopped a crazy man from killing one of the merchants, helped some priests settle an argument, stopped a runaway carriage, and saved the human Princess Mara Va Janraie (an ambassador from Westgate) from a conman. A little girl named Anna Kent was polymorphing people into animals with a magic wand; Akoru ran after Mara to escort her home while the rest of the group dealt with the little wizard child, who turned Konklen into a puppy; they took Anna upstairs to her wizard uncle, Verdaste Saardan, who apologized and put everyone back to normal.

Meanwhile, Akoru was trying to seduce Princess Mara; she was flattered by him, but told him to come back another night. He rejoined the others. They met Cudzu the druid and his 4,327 rat friends; Cudzu wanted the group to help protect the rats from a man who had been killing them. The group killed a strange gargoyle, rescued a woman from some angry dogs, told a kid a bedtime story, met a vampire hunter who thought there was a vampire somewhere in the city running a tavern, chased off Night Watch imposters, and stopped 2 drunk wizards from casting spells while arguing with each other.

A kelpie disguised itself as a beautiful woman and lured Akoru away from the Night Watch, down to the water with her. The others walked off, thinking their new friend was going to make out with the woman; instead, she tried to drown him so she could eat him; Akoru barely escaped alive, killed the plant monster, and yelled in anger at his fellow watch members when he caught up with them.

The Night Watch investigated a large crowd when the owner of the Ship’s Wheel tavern, who had inherited a farm, decided to move away from the city and was giving away his bar (because he didn’t want to deal with all of the paperwork involved in selling the place). He asked the Night Watch to come up with a fair way to determine the new owner; Thaldorf pointed out there would still be paperwork involved in giving it away so he convinced the owner to leave his signature on a scroll and let the Night Watch fill it all out. They would take possession of the place until new owners could be determined at a later date.

The Night Watch saved a cat familiar and its alchemist master, saved a merchant from 3 thieves, spoke with the lady owner of the Silver Lily to get information about the city’s rats, fought off a press gang of 6 thugs, broke up the rat fighting/gambling scheme, and kept a burning ship’s fire from spreading onto the other ships docked at the pier. Lady Tayon Laveela, the burned ship’s half-elf captain, was clearly lying about the ship’s cargo but there was nothing the Night Watch could do about it. As the sun came up, the team reported in; in their debriefing, they were offered full-time jobs as city guards in Ravens Bluff.

[Modules: I14 Swords of the Iron Legion Part 1] 
Still trying to woo Princess Mara, Akoru convinced her to hire his team of Ravens Bluff city guards to accompany her on her trade mission to Turmish. The rest of the team advised him that she was a stuck up aristocrat who was just using him, but they came along for the adventure when their captain granted them permission.

During the journey, a fierce storm caused the group to shelter in a cave with Princess Mara; the cave turned out to be home to the Scything Claw kobold tribe. Princess Mara ordered the group to kill the kobolds inside. They took out the monsters in small groups, for a total of 300, and took the treasure. Once the storm ended, the group made their way to the nearby gnome village Gildenglade. After getting rooms at the inn and eating dinner, the group told the locals about their success in the kobold cave – instead of the expected happy response, the locals chided the group while asserting that they had a peace treaty with the kobolds.

Bengin Earthforger, gnome clan leader, told the group they must return everything they took form the kobolds at once. He appointed a gnome soldier to ride out with the stolen kobold treasure; the group allowed the gnomes to take the loot, causing Akoru and Mara to finally start really bonding as they shared concern over the situation. The main kobold army, with its leader Greshlyrr, had been off fighting goblins and was very upset when they returned to find their family members killed and their home raided. They killed the gnome soldier with the treasure, kept their items, and sent the dead gnome’s body back on his horse.

The gnome city prepared to defend itself just before a huge battle broke out in the fields just outside the village’s 4’ stone wall: 400 kobold warriors took on the 300 villagers and the adventuring party. When the dust settled, almost all of the villagers were killed, but the kobold army was finally defeated. The group lost Konklen and Sandino, both of whom died courageously saving Princess Mara. The group was asked to leave.

[Modules: I14 Swords of the Iron Legion Part 2] 
Princess Mara’s next stop for them was the market at Chessenta. The group got most of the way there without too much trouble, but upon their arrival in Hlath a horse went crazy and started attacking people. They had to kill the horse. Ulliam asked them to accept a quest and, in exchange, he promised them 7,500 gp worth of clerical services any time they needed them. All they needed to do was bring a potion of health to a troubled follower of Tempus named Theodoric in River’s Run. Princess Mara allowed for this side trek. During this trip, Akoru finally convinced Mara to let him start sleeping with her.

The group met Solara, leader of the Company of the Singing Dawn, who told them that tensions were rising in the area and there might be a battle about to erupt. She had allies joining them from Chondalwood, but Theodoric had turned evil and was commanding an army of undead. First, they had to take out a troop of skeletons.

Then they proceeded to take Theodoric’s fortress; unfortunately, gnolls joined Theodoric’s army and flanked them from behind. The adventuring party made their way in as a strike team to kill Theodoric while the armies clashed outside. They grappled the man, took the evil Staff of Skulls from him, and forced the magic potion down his throat to cure him from his insanity. At that point, the army found it much easier to kill the undead. The adventuring party rejoined the battle outside. Unfortunately, the gnolls killed Princess Mara before the group could stop them. Theodoric profusely apologized once the evil army was wiped out

1357 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[Modules: Ruins of Zhentil Keep Part 1] 
One of the members of the Company of the Singing Dawn was actually a Harper agent named Smeln; she told Akoru, Tavera, Fenwick, Tondrea, and Thaldorf that there was an emergency that needed an adventuring group and teleported them to Shadowdale to meet with Mourngrym. Mourngrym explained that the Zhentarim had taken over the village of Snowmantle (capturing its citizens as slaves to cut down trees for them) and imprisoned the Harper agent and Knight of Myth Drannor Lanseril Snowmantle. The group agreed to rescue him and save the village.

They went to Dagger Falls to get info from the local Zhent fighters and slavers there. They got into a fight at the local tavern and impressed the local Zhent recruiter with their skills. They travelled with him to the timber operation slave camps at Snowmantle. The group convinced Walter Geddstone (experienced human ranger) and Korin Ironnugget (dwarf fighter-blacksmith) to help them. Lanseril’s intelligent badger friend also communicated with the group. They ended up going into the woods and findind a group of hidden elves who gave them a powerful scroll to summon an elemental to help defeat the Zhentarim agents in Snowmantle.

They freed Lanseril from the prison, he summoned the elemental, and a huge battle broke out. The death toll included Fenwick, Walter, Lanseril, half of the slaves, and all of the Zhent agents who didn’t flee the area. The heroes were victorious and reported back to Mourngrym, who officially made them agents of the Harpers. During their celebrations they got drunk and Tavera ended up admitting her feelings for Akoru. They began a long-term relationship. Thaldorf and Korin became best friends so Korin decided to travel with the team.

They returned to Ravens Bluff, where they worked part-time as town guards and each continued training in their own classes (Akoru as a druid, Tavera as a thief, Tondrea as a wizard, Thaldorf as a priest, and Korin as a fighter). Akoru and Tavera got married after Tavera realized he had gotten her pregnant; she and Akoru had a half-elf son that they name Lanseril (after the fallen hero). Tavera and Akoru used their funds from adventuring to purchase a jewelry shop with a residence on the second floor; Tavera decided to retire from adventuring to raise their son and run the jewelry shop.

1358 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[Modules: FRE1 Shadowdale] 
The “Time of Troubles” a.k.a. “Godswar” was upon Toril, with the gods walking the world in mortal form. A horrible storm briefly consumed the world with dangerous lightning and rocks falling from the sky. Many people were crushed and died during the storm. Akoru, Tondrea, Thaldorf, and Korin went to investigate after the storm subsided; local clerics were reporting that their gods had abandoned them.

The Halfling brothers Filbo and Brodo joined the team after their family was killed by the storm. The wizard Midnight, the Chosen of Mystra, asked for their help and used a scroll to teleport them to Arabel. The evil wizard Ulgon of Bane tried to recruit them, but the group easily took him down. Caitlin Moonsong tasked the team with saving her mistress, who was imprisoned in Kilgrave Castle. On the way there, the group had to fight off an ambush by evil Bane clerics. They also recruited Tanlathyn the human ranger and Dorn Blackhammer the dwarf fighter to join their cause. They killed a band of 14 brigands that ambushed them.

At Kilgrave Castle, they made it past illusions, traps, and a hakeshar; they freed Mystra. Mystra opened a gate to another realm, where she sought the audience of AO. Helm destroyed her when she wouldn’t turn back; the magical explosion destroyed Kilgrave Castle and everything in a one-mile radius (except for the group, which was protected by Midnight). Helm told the team to go find the Tablets of Fate to put an end to this strange time and restore the gods to their proper power.

On the way to Shadowdale to seek the advice of Elminster, the group had to slay an evil green dragon and 32 wraiths; Korin, Filbo, Dorn, and Tanlathyn all perished in battle. Akoru, Tondrea, Thaldorf, Brodo, and Midnight continued on. They were ambushed by 2 Bane clerics, 5 fighters, and 8 war dogs who were trying to kidnap Midnight to bring her to Bane. The heroes defeated the enemy, but Thaldorf and Tondrea had to sacrifice themselves to save Midnight.

Akoru, Brodo, and Midnight used magical invisibility and flying to make it the rest of the way to Shadowdale and met with Elminster outside his tower. He told them he thought one of the Tablets of Fate was in Tantras and that the group should go there, but first he wanted the group to stay and help defend Shadowdale from the Zhentarim. Elminster told them to arrange for rooms at the Old Skull Inn while preparing to defend the city by coordinating with Mourngrym Amcathra, the Lord of Shadowdale (whose wife Shaerl was pregnant).

The next day the battle between Shadowdale’s defenders and Bane’s attacking forces commenced. Akoru, Brodo, and Midnight stayed with Elminster at the Temple of Lathander to defend the Celestial Stairway while the main battle took place outside, with Midnight’s friends from Arabel (Kelemvor the human fighter and Cyric the human fighter-thief) assisting the troops; inside, they were joined by Adon the human cleric of Sune.

Bane’s side was winning the battle until the Knights of Myth Drannor and the Mistledale Lancers showed up to assist Shadowdale. Myrkul was feeding Bane the souls of the soldiers slain in the battle, thus embowering Bane all the more. Bane and Elminster fought, with Mystra appearing and linking them all together; the 3 of them were caught in a huge explosion that destroyed the Celestial Stairway. The explosion also knocked out Akoru, Brodo, Midnight, and Adon; they were taken prisoner and charged with the murder of Elminster.

[Modules: FRE2 Tantras] 
The Tower of Ashaba served as the jail of Akoru, Brodo, Mightnight, and Adon as they awaited their trial. They were found guilty and sentenced to be executed the next day. During the night Cyric gather 12 mercenaries, entered via the river, and took out the 12 perimeter guards before they could sound an alarm. He told 2 of the mercs to prepare a boat for escaping while the rest of the invasion force donned the uniforms and armor of the dead guards.

Disguised, Cyric’s team made their way to the dungeon jail and took out the 7 men there. Cyric freed Midnight, Adon, Akoru, and Brodo and insisted they join him in his task of trying to secure the Tablets of Fate. They agreed and destroyed the extra boats before escaping, with 48 guards following after with their spears; 7 of the mercenaries were killed in the escape down the river.

Down the river, a large snake-monster caused the boat the turn over and dunk everyone out. The monster killed 3 mercenaries before the group killed it and decided to rest at the riverbank. In the morning Cyric, Midnight, Adon, Akoru, Brodo, and the remaining 2 mercenaries realized they had lost most of their gear; they patched the boat and continued on their way. In Mistledale, 3 fighters and 12 merchants tried attacking the group. Midnight used magic to put most of them to sleep.

At the Pool of Yeven 20 skeletons and 10 zombies tried attacking the group in their boat, but the heroes were victorious over the undead. In the pool was a statue of Mystra that gave Midnight more power. When they continued, they were visited by Elminster (who insisted on having a private conversation with Midnight) – but it turned out to be a doppleganger assassin and the group killed it. When they rested at night, they were approached by Theln Roaringhorn (human cleric of Lathander from Waterdeep) who asked to join them for the night. They let him into the group when he told them about the Zhentarim taking power in nearby Scardale and the god Torm personally presiding over Tantras after Umberlee destroyed thousands of ships at sea. In the morning, Theln was off on his own again.

At Blackfeather Bridge 12 archers were waiting for them so they had to run the boat ashore – but it toppled over, dumping them into the water. The archers still aimed for them, killing the 2 mercenaries before Kelemvor – who was also waiting on the bridge – turned into a panther and started killing the archers. Cyric escaped to the woods while the rest of the group charged the bridge to help Kelemvor. Only 4 of the archers made it to their horses and fled down the road.

Akoru, Brodo, Mightnight, Adon, and Kelemvor rested. They were ambushed and captured by 3 Bane assassins riding dark pegasi who flew them to Scardale. There, they were chained and locked into prison cells by the Zhentarim. Adon and Kelemvor were separated from the group. During the night Adon knocked out his guard with his chamber pot and then helped Akoru, Brodo, Kelemvor, and Midnight escape; they had to kill 2 of the assassins and found out that Bane himself was coming to the city to see the prisoners.

Akoru used his druid powers to turn into an animal after asking Midnight to turn herself, Brodo, Kelemvor, and Adon invisible. They slipped out of town in the darkness and continued toward Tantras. When they arrived in Tantras they were no longer invisible. They asked around and found out the best inn was called the Lazy Moon. They rested and spent the next day gathering information; rumors said the gods were battling in the mountains and that most wizards had gone to Waterdeep. The next day Adon and Kelemvor each went off on their own while Akoru, Brodo, and Midnight searched the city.

They met a man who called himself Minstrel. He told Midnight to go see the Bell of Aylen Attricus and then took the group to the Temple of Torm before taking them to the bell; they saw Adon at the temple. Midnight touched the bell and again felt empowered by Mystra. When they returned to the Lazy Moon, Kelemvor told them he had to kill an assassin and thought he saw Cyric working with the assassin before he fled the scene. Minstrel, who turned out to be Elminster in disguise, joined the group for dinner and conversation. Elminster then led the way to the Temple of Torm, disguised as a soldier of Torm. They made their way inside; before leaving the group Elminster turned them all invisible and showed them a secret passage.

In the temple the clerics of Torm completed the Ceremony of Power so that Torm could go battle Bane. The group found the temple treasury and Brodo was able to pick the locks on the chests inside. They retrieved one of the Tablets of Fate, 3,500 gp, and a few magic items. They returned to the inn, where Elminster told them they must go ring the bell and then travel to Waterdeep to find the second Tablet of Fate. On their way to the bell, the group could see Bane and Torm fighting in the distance. When Midnight rang the bell it caused a huge magical explosion that seemed to destroy Bane and Torm, destroy the bell itself, and knock out Midnight, Akoru, Brodo, Adon, and Kelemvor. When the group awoke, they saw that the city was badly damaged.

[Modules: FRE3 Waterdeep] 
The journey of Akoru, Brodo, Midnight, Adon, and Kelemvor led them to camp in Hermit’s Wood. They thought they had probably been followed by a team led by Cyric, but they weren’t sure. Myrkul sent 13 skeletal warriors on undead horses to kidnap Midnight and steal the Tablet of Fate; the group defeated the undead. They made it to Wheloon, where they hired some help (retired human fighter Chalannos Firehawk, mercenary fighter Haerldoun Hawkmaster, and human thief Mhezenter Mirilar).

They next journeyed toward Suzail, where they wanted to buy passage on a local merchant ship heading to Ilipur. On the way, 40 of Cyric’s 50 soldiers tried to route them north; the group used fireballs and lightning to diminish those forces before charging in and finishing them off. During the battle the 3 hired men were killed. The team ended up in the woods of Cormyr and spent a night in Eveningstar at the Lonesome Tankard Inn. During the night Cyric visited to warn Midnight that Bhaal would kill all of her friends and take the Tablet of Fate that she had. Cyric then sent his last 10 soldiers, the most experienced, to cause the group to flee the inn. The plan worked because innkeeper and his serving girl asked them to leave, as quickly as possible.

Being chased by the soldiers, the group eventually encountered a troop of Cormyrian soldiers and tasked them with stopping the Zhentarim agents; the enemy forces fled the area. The heroes rode into High Horn and had dinner at the castle with Captain Tharsar Immerlund of the Purple Dragon Knights and the Lord Commander of High Horn Kae Deverall. The next morning Bhaal attacked the castle in a possessed body, killing guards on his way to get to Midnight and the Tablet of Fate When they killed the possessed man, Bhaal simply possessed the nearby guard and continued fighting them; he continued doing that trick until they had killed 3 more guard bodies. Midnight yelled for them to all run, thus they fled the castle.

In the morning 50 Cormyrean soldiers on horseback joined the group on the road, saying that Lord Deverall sent them to make sure his new friends would survive the harsh roads ahead. While traveling through the Tun Marsh, the group was ambushed by 36 lizardfolk, who all perished but took out 25 of the soldiers escorting them. Later 16 undead riders attacked the group, killing another 20 of the soldiers before being destroyed. The final 5 Cormyrean soldiers left when a scouting group came and told them a Zhentarim group from Darkhold was in the area.

Cyric and his 10 soldiers ambushed the group so he could once more try to convince Midnight to join forces with him. When she said no, a battle commenced with Cyric escaping as the group killed his men. Bhaal appeared and kidnapped Midnight with the Tablet of Fate. The group followed his tracks to an encampment at Boareskyr Bridge. There, Midnight escaped with the Tablet of Fate and let the group know she overheard that another Tablet of Fate was in Hades, accessible through a portal beneath Dragonspear Castle. Bhaal followed after her and the group had to kill him, causing an explosion when the body died; Midnight teleported them away in time to save them.

Akoru, Brodo, Midnight, Adon, and Kelemvor rested on the road outside Dragonspear Castle. When they made their way into the walled keep, an army of 70 undead warriors came after them. They rushed down into the cellar caverns, where an underground river was flowing. A skeletal archer with paralysis arrows shot Adon and he fell into the water, drowning. The rest of the group jumped in to save him. Midnight was swallowed by a whirlpool that took her to her destination, an underground area with the gate to Hades. She went through alone. The currents of the river were too strong for the rest of the group to save Adon; instead, they were pushed downstream to an opening on the surface where they fought a large gar.

Adon survived and was taken care of by gnomes who found him and nursed him back to health. Akoru, Brodo, and Kelemvor went out to the road and met up with a caravan of merchants on their way to Waterdeep. They travelled with them. Each night 10-20 undead attacked the group; by the time they got to Waterdeep, all of the merchants were dead. The group met up with Elminster and Khelben Blackstaff; they all talked at the Yawning Portal Inn, where they hired the dwarf Gwer to guide them to the Pool of Loss (which was also a gate to Hades). They rescued Midnight, but an army of undead was waiting to come through the barrier from the other side. The group rested at Blackstaff Tower.

The next morning 200 Waterdeep soldiers showed up with orders for Khelben to command them to fight the army of undead that were swarming the Dock Ward from the sewers. The rest of the group waited on Blackstaff Tower’s roof until Myrkul and his undead minions broke in; the group realized Myrkul had both of the Tablets of Fate. The undead army broke through, 6 at a time; the group killed 24 of them before Myrkul himself confronted them. Adon swooped down on a griffon, injuring Myrkul. Midnight finished him off and used her powers to teleport his exploding energy out over the sea where it couldn’t hurt anyone. Elminster left to go shut the Pool of Loss portal.

Cyric attacked those on the roof with a magic sleeping gas that only Midnight was able to resist. He stole the Tablets of Fate and killed Kelemvor before escaping. It took Midnight several minutes to find a magic shop with the antidote to the sleeping gas. She woke up Akoru, Brodo, and Adon. They rode griffons to the top of Mount Waterdeep, where Midnight saw a gateway to the Celestial Stairway. They arrived at about the same time as Cyric, who handed the Tablets of Fate to Helm and received an audience with Ao. Ao made Cyric the new god of strife and Midnight replaced Mystra.

To thank them for their assistance, Mystra gave a wish to each Akoru, Brodo, and Adon. Both Akoru and Brodo asked for enough money to purchase themselves noble estates back in Ravens Bluff. They didn’t bother sticking around to find out what Adon wanted; Akoru and Brodo had Elminster teleport them home. Akoru’s wife was very happy and helped them find 2 nice neighboring noble homes that they bought, with enough money left over to hire servants and decorate the place.

1359 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[Modules: LC1 “Rats” & “Hounds and the Hare”] 
Brodo fell in love with Lady Zarina Tallstout, the halfling fighter-thief who told him about her adventures in Ravens Bluff. An evil Bhaal-worshipping half-orc had planted a stolen earring on her that came from Chief Constable Rolf Sunriver’s home. She was arrested and put on trial, but she pleaded not guilty; the judge told the prosecutor to try to work out a deal. Zarina’s only chance was to try to catch the true culprit. She met an old gnome potion-maker named Flynster before killing a wererat and 2 rats. She followed the rat tracks into the sewer, killed 2 giant spiders, and recovered all of the stolen treasure. For her troubles, she was given a free month’s stay at a local inn.

A week later, Zarina noticed a young thief trying to pickpocket her so she chased him into an alley, where it turned out to be an ambush with 8 brigands waiting to steal her gear. With luck and skill on her side, she managed to survive and escape the alleyway. She realized they were probably sent by the half-orc so she hunted him down and killed him. Her free month at the inn was running out so Brodo invited her to come live in his new manor with him. She accepted.

[Modules: Menzoberranzan Boxed Set] 
Akoru and Brodo brought Zarina with them to visit Waterdeep. The rich merchant half-drow wizard-thief Hadrogh Prohl hired Akoru, Brodo, Zarina, and an adventuring party from Baldur’s Gate (Kophyn Wistnell the elf fighter-mage, Gareth Tellmacher the human fighter, Donnelt A’Daragon the human cleric, Brigantyna Dane the human cleric, and Parkadius Bantium the human wizard) as guards for a caravan; he brought them to a warehouse with a dozen pack mules and 3 animal wranglers.

On the journey, the team took out 8 bandits and 1 bandit leader before making it to a cave. At that point the animal wranglers left the group; the rest of them went into the caverns of the Underdark. They spent about a month traveling before making it to Mantol-Derith; along the way, they had to kill 7 drow fighters and 1 drow mage that ambushed them and a second ambush party with 1 drow priestess, 6 drow fighters, and 4 giant scorpions; party members Kophyn Wistnell and Donnelt A’Daragon died in the attacks.

In the trade city, the group got rid of their loot from the enemies that had attacked them by trading for gems from the deep gnomes. They spent the gems on magic items the drow were selling; the beautiful chief negotiator for the drow, Lady Yyssisiryl H’tithet, caught the eye of the party wizard Parkadius. He used his best pickup lines flirting with her and promised to give her some spell scrolls in exchange for the promise of a dinner date with her. That night she horrified him when she tortured him in bed and he regretted the experience. The next morning, the group realized Hadrogh had been assassinated in his sleep, stabbed in the eye and petrified.

Lady Yyssisiryl told the group that they could get a large payment if they took their shipment to Menzoberranzan, but Akoru asked if she would just buy it herself; they traded the shipment for more magic items. Gareth, intrigued by the stories Parkadius told him about drow one night stands, convinced Lady Yyssisiryl that he was a much stronger man and more worthy of her time so he spent the night with her (and accidentally got her pregnant before leaving the next morning).

The group returned to Ravens Bluff, where Akoru introduced them to his wife and child. The rest of the party stuck around, living in the guest quarters of Akoru’s home. Brodo and Zarina got married and she ended up pregnant with his child. Around the end of the year, Gareth received an envoy from the drow dropping off his half-drow daughter, whom he named Retha. Brodo and Zarina named their son Brodo II.

1360 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[Modules: FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar] 
Tavera again stayed behind with the servants to raise the children and run the family jewelry store when Akoru, Brodo, Zarina, Brigantyna, Parkadius, and Gareth went off adventuring. They travelled to the village of Eveningstar, where Lady Tessaril Winter gave them her blessing to go clear out a supposedly haunted location.

The team killed 1 owlbear, 1 huge spider, 1 green slime, 1 crawling claw, 1 mimic, 1 stirge, 2 skeletons, and 1 mummy before recovering a luck blade with 1 wish and a human female in temportal stasis chains. They freed her; her name was Miior and she had been the imprisoned consort of a bandit lord long ago. They continued, killing: another stirge, 1 doppleganger, 53 kobolds, and 2 ju-ju zombies; Gareth and Brigantyna were killed by the kobolds. The lower tunnels were caved in with dirt and rocks.

Miior was having trouble adjusting when they returned to Eveningstar so the group said they’d let her come stay with them in Ravens Bluff. The group used their luck blade wish to get Parkadius enough money to buy his own noble estate. They traded out the rest of their treasure and split up the money. Akoru and Tavera officially adopted Gareth’s daughter. Zarina convinced her husband Brodo to cross-train as a fighter. Miior fell in love with Parkadius because he was so kind and helpful to her. They got married and had a son they named Kade.

1361 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[FRA1 Storm Riders] 
Brodo, Zarina, and Parkadius accompanied Akoru when he went to visit the ancestral lands of his people. On the way, they encountered a hordelands army of thousands of warriors. They fled from the army, rescuing Princess Bhrokiti of Rh-Khati as they magically flew over a large gorge that the army couldn’t easily cross. In the nearby village of Lagiluri, 21 monks welcomed them.

The monks escorted the group to the holy city of Saikoi so they could meet with the Dalai Lama. There, the group saw a golden statue worth 10 million gp; Brodo and Zarina desperately wanted to steal the statue and devised a plan to use the group portable hole to do so. During the night, in their guest quarters, they convinced Parkadius to turn them invisible and they stole the statue before sunrise. Little did they know, this was considered an “unlucky day” in the local people’s customs. When questioned about the statue, Akoru honestly told the guards he knew nothing about it.

An ambassador from Raja Amchubar Devayam came saying that the army belonged to his master and that if the Dalai Lama did not surrender his horse and daughter, then they would invade and kill everyone. Akoru called him out on the lie, having recognized the army as the Turgan forces that his family used to work with. The ambassador then truthfully told them his master had a purple dragon that would attack the city if the princess did not come to marry the Raja. Princess Bhrokiti offered to go to save her people; the party volunteered to escort her there.

The Dalai Lama gave the group gifts before they left with the Princess, the black fire-breathing horse, and the guard Changchub. Along the way the group killed 6 hobgoblins, 7 flinds, 4 bugbears, 1 ogre, 1 oni, 1 brass golem, 4 ghouls, and 5 trolls; Changchub was killed. They continued, defeating: 1 glacier troll, 1 stone golem, 1 evil wizard, 1 hill giant, and 12 stirges. They were tricked by a group of 8 Tuigan soldiers, 1 commander, and 1 wizard disguised as pilgrims; the enemies freed the black horse before being defeated. The horse flew away.

When the 100’ long purple dragon Gaumahvi came after the group, they sought refuge in a deserted monastery. From outside, the dragon told them her tale; she explained the Raja intended to set the horse free and for them not to worry about that. The dragon left. The group eventually made their way to the abandoned city of Kushk, where they were supposed to turn the princess over to the Raja’s cleric; unfortunately the Tuigan army had already been there and killed the clerics – but they left behind a magical skull that told the group the bridal gifts had been hidden in the mountain.

The group went to retrieve Princess Bhrokiti’s magical gifts. Up the mountain, the group had to deal with several traps and kill: 12 undead, 1 stone golem, 2 ettins, 1 animated armor, 1 iron golem, and 1 vampire; the party rescued Ba’Mit Ahn-so and they received the Sword of Kushk. and Amulet of Steadfastness (which negated fear effects), the Gem of Kushk (which could imprison someone inside of it), and the gifts for the princess. When Bhrokiti put on the magic belt, it turned her into a man and the group realized all of the other gifts were also cursed (a ring a delusion, a Book of Vile Darkness, boots of dancing, bracers of defenselessness, a crystal hypnosis ball, gauntlets of fumbling, and a periapt of foul rotting).

At the base of the mountain the Tuigan army led by Baga Choki was waiting for them (with the black horse); they were offered jobs as scouts for the army and they accepted since the only other option was being killed by them. The purple dragon attacked and the group trapped her in the Gem of Kushk, gaining the respect of the army’s leader.

Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[Modules: FRA2 Black Courser] 
While doing their scouting work for the Tuigan army Akoru, Brodo, Zarina, and Parkadius failed to notice that Bhrokiti (still cursed to be a man) spent the week studying the Book of Vile Darkness from the wedding gifts. When they returned they realized that Bhrokiti was either turned evil by the book or possessed by an evil spirit because Bhrokiti had killed the leader of the army and taken his place. Bhrokiti, whose eyes were now solid black, told the party about an artifact called the Stone Scepter of Shih that they needed to recover to stop the Raja’s army of undead; Bhrokiti had the gem with the purple dragon trapped inside and said if the group failed in their mission, the purple dragon would be sent to kill them.

While Akoru, Brodo, Zarina, and Parkadius were out searching for the artifact Bhrokiti used the army to conquer the region, killing the Dalai Lama and the monks. The group killed a giant octopus, 2 basilisks, 1 galeb duhr, 16 phycomoids, 3 hill giants, 20 monks, and 1 zombie. They realized the Raja had been marking people with a magic tattoo and when they died they returned as zombies. Donozar the sage told them the tattoo was the mark of Emperor Tan Chin of Shou Lung, who was chased out of the region long ago; they realized Tan Chin has become Raja Ambuchar Devayam and is trying to retake control of Shou Lung with an undead army.

With Bhrokiti’s army growing in size from the people who surrendered and joined it, the party continued in their quest for the artifact. The entire army, including the scout party, suddenly had the magic tattoo on their forehead – thus knowing that if they died, they would come back as undead. At the city of Kuo Meilan, they encountered traps and defeated: a specter, a chimera, a cockatrice, a xorn, and the evil wizard Meilan. The wizard Shih gave the group the Scepter of Shih before passing away.

When they used the teleport pad there to leave the treasure vault, it sent them to Bhrokiti’s army; Bhrokiti demanded the Scepter, their portable hole, and their bag of holding – saying that 90% of their treasure belonged to their ruler. With the entire Tuigan army there, they couldn’t refuse. They handed over their treasure.

Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[Modules: FRA3 Blood Charge] 
The Tuigan army was under siege by the Raja’s undead army; one of the Tuigan advisors (Chanar), unhappy Bhrokiti was sleeping instead of leading the warriors, slipped in during the night and assassinated the leader. Chanar came out with the decapitated head of Bhrokiti and declared himself the new supreme leader of the army. Chanar made a deal with the purple dragon and gave her and the black horse their freedom in exchange for them helping to fight the Raja’s army.

While the armies continued to clash Chanar tasked Akoru, Brodo, Zarina, and Parkadius with going to the Red Mountain Monastary and finding out the secret to destroying the necromancer Raja since the man was rumored to return to life each time he was killed; at the monestary was a man of profound wisdom who was said to be able to answer all questions put to him. Chanar refused to return the treasure Bhrokiti had taken from them, but he let them keep their gear for the mission and sent along 4 Tuigan soldiers to assist them.

On the way, the party encountered a man called the Amber Lama who offered to help them, but was obviously part of the yellow monk group that seemed at odds with the red monk group so the party politely took the magic bowls he gave them and listened to his advice before saying goodbye to him. The group proceeded into the red monastary, passing at least 50 monks and 5 priests on their way in. They were asked to leave all of their weapons and armor behind before entering, except for the Scepter of Shih. They did as they were told and failed to notice the priests drop their gear into a disintegration pit. In the courtyard, the monks asked the team to remove their clothes; they were only allowed to keep jewelry. The monks shaved off all of their body hair and gave them red robes. Zarina was not happy about all this.

Akoru, Brodo, Zarina, Parkadius, and their 4 soldiers were inducted into the order of monks at the monastery and told to meditate. They inquired about asking Padhrasattva questions and were told that, upon great devotion and studying, one could eventually be allowed to ask 3 questions. They also found out there was a total of about 300 monks at the monastery. After meditating for a while, to appease the monks, the group explored the monastery. The Ruby Lama tried to calm the group and answer their questions, but he was obviously just making stuff up.

The next day, the group made it into the Great Temple, where they had to make it through several traps/tests/lessons. The incorporeal spirit inside agreed to answer 3 questions for the group. They found out the only way to destroy the Raja was to collect the 4 artifacts hidden in planar nodes accessible from within the Ebony Temple and throwing them into  the Bottomless Pit of Fire. They each received a magic gem as a parting gift and were allowed to leave the monastery in their red robes – though they no longer had their weapons, armor, or clothes.

They travelled to the Raja’s slave city with the Ebony Temple. Parkadius turned them invisible before entering and they sneaked to their destination. They killed a rakshasa and freed 2 unicorns (a mated pair), who took them to some magic armor and weapons. They went past more traps as they killed: 2 ogres, 1 neo-otyugh, 15 low level wizards, 1 dragonne, 1 behir, 2 oni, 4 spectre, 13 mummies, 5 vampire spawn, 5 wights, 1 groaning spirit, 12 skeletons, 8 ghouls, 8 ghasts, 1 ghost, 12 heucuvas, 1 poltergeist, 12 shadows, 4 wraiths, 24 zombies, and a lich; 3 of the group’s 4 soldiers, the 2 unicorns, and Brodo were killed by their enemies. Akoru, Zarina, Parkadius, and the lone Tuigan soldier rested.

The team continued their assault, killing 4 minotaurs and 1 spirit naga. Inside the main chamber of the Ebony Temple they gained access to 4 dimensions: Akoru went to the Dimension of Silence and secured one of the artifacts while Zarina went to the Dimension of Darkness to get the second one, Parkadius entered the Dimension of Emptiness for the third item, and the soldier retrived the fourth one from the Demension of Cold. The Raja, a.k.a. Tan Chin, fought the group as they attempted to destroy the items and send his phylactery into the lava pit. The soldier was killed (turned into a wight) but Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius survived after defeating their foe.

The tattoos created by Tan Chin disappeared from everyone and the army of undead was defeated by Supreme Leader Chanar’s forces. With the 10,542,000 gp worth of loot that Chanar stole from the party he was able to strengthen his army. His use of the Book of Vile Darkness, the Sword of Kushk, and the Gem of Kushk made him a feared foe that went unchallenged by his own men.

As much as Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius wanted to go after Chanar they were wise enough to leave the region, return home, and take some time off from adventuring to raise their children:
   *Akoru and Tavera's half-elf/human son Lanseril (born 1357)
   *Gareth and Yyssisiryl's half-elf(drow)/human daughter Retha (born 1359)
   *Brodo and Zarina's halfling son Brodo II (born 1359)
   *Parkadius and Miior's human son Kade (born 1360)

1362 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[The Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga] 
Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius hired 3 mercenary fighters (who died during the adventure) to go with them to investigate strange happenings in the forest. They killed 7 golems, a cyclops, a greater basilisk, 20 crawling claws, a drow, a living wall, agents of death, 13 quests, 2 green demons, 1 Godzilla monster, 4 pit fiends, a treat, 2 nightmares, a yugoloth, 12 skeles, a ghost, and 10 shadows. Baba Yaga planeshifted away, escaping in the end.

[Ruins of Zhentil Keep: Part 2] 
Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius fought off a bunch of enemies again, killing 25 Zhent agents and saving 100 slaves. They escaped via a ship in the river.

In Raven's Bluff: Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius responded when the 8 year old son of the high priest of Tyr was kidnapped. The team was hired to deliver the ransom; they defeated the bandits, a troll, and an evil adventuring party. They managed to return the kid to his father.

[Maztica: Fire of Zatal (FMA1)] 
When the team found out Coru's family (as the Shieldbreakers) had been to Maztica, they decided to go there as well. Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius sailed to Helmport, where they rescued slaves and helped the Jaguar Knights negotiate with Lord Drakes. They experienced a lot of random encounters as they travelled in the wild, being attacked by tribes of savages over and over again. They explored an abandoned city where they killed 5 ogres. They found more cities and learned about the local religions, killed more orcs, explored more ruins, killed more ogres, killed trolls, killed fire lizards, and slayed a dragon.

[Maztica FMA2: Endless Armies] 
Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius ended up back at the Church of Helm in Helmsport with their Tabaxi ally. They were sent to find and rescue a missing priest out in the jungle, where they had to kill giant frogs, harpies, treats, and savage halflings. They met a man who thought giant ants had killed the priest. The team took out large spiders, the giant ant army, evil guards, the insane priest, and a summoned purple worm.

[EMQ1: City of Gold] 
The team sought out the legendary "City of Gold" based on tales from the locals. Commander Sozarro the human fighter from the Sword Coast joined the group and they hired a local guide named Iguertin; the team befriended a village, killed some violent desert dwarves, befriended the Azuposi people, killed some demons, and collected a bunch of gold. Sozarro died in battle.

[Wand of Archeal] 
Realizing they weren't going to find Coru's family, the team left Maztica with their new Tabaxi ally. They sailed to Chult, but on the way a storm forced them to stop at Grey Isle, where they had to deal with wizards warring with each other. They killed 5 wizards, an army of lizardfolk with alligators, a and stone giant. They recruited human soldiers and brought peace to the land. The Tabaxi stayed to rule the island.

[Jungles of Chult] 
Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius explored the jungle, looking for treasure. They killed plant monsters, dinosaurs, evil tabaxi, evil priests, and goblins. They ended up with treasure worth almost 100,000 gp. They returned home and enjoyed their wealth for a while.

1367 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[FR 2E Spellbound] 
Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius went to Thay to rescue slaves. They killed a red wizard before rescuing 100 slaves and capturing a Thayan naval vessel. They then had to kill 48 dretches and a babau demon.

[Throne of Deceit] 
Akoru, Zarina, and Parkadius were hired to deliver a package to Algarond, where they were captured by the guards and chained up. Lady These accused them of espionage against Aglarond; to clear themselves, they accepted another delivery quest - this time to Rashemen. They killed a ghost, orcs, and ogres on their way there. Once in Rashemen, they killed bandits and evil wizards. They met with Thorbinn and discussed the Thayan incursions. They killed 10 ice trolls, 20 knolls, 30 goblins, some Thayan soldiers, and a dozen red wizards. In the end, only Akoru was left alive.

[The Runes of Chaos] 
The Simbul told Akoru about Szass Tam's plans to conquer the region, despite the team's recent victory. Akoru hired a team of mercenary fighters and let the leader (Marcus) wield Hadryllis (the magic sword). The team killed 10 shadows and 2 rock demons before teleporting to Thay. There, they killed 10 knolls, 2 hezrou, and a marilith demon. They infiltrated the citadel, killed the undead guards, destroyed the 3 stone golems, defeated the 4 gem golems, and killed the monsters in the elemental chambers. They destroyed the magic runes and then destroyed the army of undead. Unfortunately, they accidentally released the demon Lord Eltab, but Szass Tam helped Akoru and Marcus defeat Eltab (sending the demon back to the Abyss). Szass Tam killed Marcus while Akoru escaped.

[Castle Spulzeer] 
Akoru, on the run hiding from Szass Tam with a ring of anti-detection, went to Man and fave himself a new identity of "Aven." He saved a fortune teller from a bandit. An agent of Kartak Spellseer hired him to retrieve 3 magic items from Castle Spulzeer. On the way "Aven" killed a vampire, some evil clerics, a hill giant, and a pack of wolves. At Castle Spulzeer Lord Chardath had gone insane after killing his sister; "Aven" killed a harpy golem, skeletons, a ghost, a yugoloth, and 12 wraiths. With Chardath's assistance, he then confronted the lich Kartak and his sidekick Gaspard. Kartak escaped while the castle was transported to the Domains of Dread; Gaspard died.

[The Forgotten Terror] 
Akoru "Aven" had to work his way through the "facets" of the mind of the insane Lord Chardath (now a Domain Lord). He explored the facets, gambled, fought off "Enforcers," won a duel, fought a xorn in a maze, used a magic book to defeat a red dragon, was seduced by a group of "nymphs" (that turned out to be harpies in disguise), was trapped in a cathedral, found spirits trapped in monoliths, destroyed a blood elemental, and ended up in a library with Chardath's memories as books. Akoru offered to help Chardath defeat Kartak and was released...

1368 DR
Abeir-Toril Ravenguard: 
[Ruins of Zhentil Keep: Last Part] 
Akoru finally returned home, went and found/met Kay Swift (who told him about his father's death), and recruited Kay to help fight enemies at Zhentil Keep. Together, they killed the Erinyes posing as Lady Desmonda and the evil Lord Orgauth (who was really Abarax the Pit Fiend).

[Pool of Radiance: Attack on Myth Drannor] 
Kay Swift wanted to investigate the Cult of the Dragon's activities at the ruins of Myth Drannor so she brought Akoru and 2 new wizard allies (the Belltower Bros). Together, they defeated: 12 cult soldiers, 6 cult wizards, 3 skeles, a dire badger, 24 zombies, and the high priest Ryngoth. They rescued the gnome slaves. Continuing, they killed: 8 guards, 28 skeles, the necromancer Nevassam, and a mindflayer lich. They survived many traps, killed a bunch of rampaging animals, and destroyed an elf lich. At Castle Cormanthor, they eliminated: 12 evil guards, a red half-dragon, 2 necromancers, 30 dragonborn, the evil cleric Shamor, and a huge zombie black dragon; Kay and the Belltower Bros died during the battles. Akoru was again the sole survivor of a quest. He donated the treasure to the local elves of the forest.

[Into the Dragon's Lair] 
Akoru and 3 of his new elf allies (a wizard, a cleric, and a warrior) went to Cormyr's city Arabel, where Lady Kestrel hired them to go find the lair of the dragon that killed King Azoun and her husband. On the road, the team defeated: 6 bandits with a wizard assassin and 14 more bandits with an evil cleric. They befriended Veya the half-elf wizard-planeswalker, who joined them. They destroyed 4 ghosts, 10 wraiths, and an evil adventuring party (with lots of magical gear). All but Akoru died in battle, leaving him alone to face a blue female dragon and her half-elf bard lover (with a cleric ally and a barbarian guard). Since they were searching for the same treasure, Akoru made an alliance with them. Together, they defeated the Grodd goblin army and found the hoard, where they killed 12 giant wasps, 5 rangers, 1 wyvern, and 6 trolls.

[TSR Jam 1999: The Heart's Final Beat] 
Akoru and the blue dragon's evil party were sucked into the mists of the Domains of Dread, where Sister Eleyna of the Order of the Guardians had summoned them to destroy an evil item called "The Key to the Abyss." The group had to help in order to be released so they destroyed an army of undead led by a vampire wizard and a greater babau demon; the group's evil cleric and barbarian died during combat. The team succeeded in destroying the evil item.

[RA2: Ship of Horror] 
Instead of sending Akoru, Mahrlee the blue dragon wizard, and Palintar the half-elf bard back home - the mists of the Domains of Dread dropped them off as chained prisoners aboard the Ship of Horror. The captain wanted help bringing dead bodies somewhere, but it was to an evil necromancer; the team escaped and destroyed the 24 ghosts, the ship's crew, and the necromancer (with his army of 140 skeles); the dragon and bard perished in the battle. The mists finally sent Akoru home.

[LC2: Inside Ravens Bluff & Capaign Guide: The City of Ravens Bluff] 
Akoru wanted to settle down and raise the children, but first he had to deal with the "Jack Mooney and Sons Circus" that came to town. Akoru used his druid wild shaping and spells to kill the circus leader. He then hunted down the sea hags that had plagued the city. When his wife realized he was haunted with paranoia, she had a cleric cure him. Akoru moved their family and friends (with the children) out to a forest keep where he could retire taking care of a grove.

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