Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Logs 401-415: Random D&D Short Campaigns

Logs 401-415: Random D&D Short Campaigns
LV used to run some short campaigns. Over the years KG also ran some short campaigns. I'm placing my memories of those sessions here.

(Above: Myles)

In LV's games I played 2 different characters. In one of the campaigns I played Myles "The Messenger" (who was an angelic agent/archon sent to help solve problems, friends with Billy the Goatman). In another campaign I played Canty Curuthers, a halfling monk who liked to get drunk and explored the world with different adventurers.

(Above: Canty Curuthers)

KG had a short campaign in which I played a nixie character who was a fun fey creature. He also ran a campaign in which I played a half-orc barbarian named Flej Skullsmasher, AMC played a dwarf ranger named Oskin Kelder, NH played human cleric named Caelia Eris, and BG played a human paladin named Luniska Ballineth. I still have the logs from the half-orc adventures...

Background for Flej Skullsmasher
Flej Skullsmasher was born when his human mother found herself attracted to the powerful orc king of the Skullsmasher tribe.  After Flej was born, she realized she didn't want him growing up in the orc society so she took him and ran away.  She left him with her parents and went back to explain the situation to King Skullsmasher, who did not understand and thus killed her for her betrayal.

Flej's grandparents didn't want him to be ashamed of his heritage so they taught him a romanticized concept of the orc ideals of honor and glory in battle.  When Flej was old enough he joined the military and worked in the infantry from age 15-17, earning the rank of infantry captain. When the military dissolved, Flej knew he still wasn’t powerful enough to confront his father, the orc king about the death of his mother. He came back home to protect his grandparents. They informed him they were leaving for the new world so he went with them.

Background for Oskin Kelder
While growing up, Oskin Kelder lived in a dwarven keep and was the son of a soldier/blacksmith. As expected, Kelder was training as a fighter, but would often wander the woods and other areas close to the keep. One of the keep’s dwarven rangers noticed Kelder’s fondness for nature and secretly trained him. Kelder knew his stubborn father wouldn’t approve of the ranger training and thus he continued training as both a fighter and a ranger, with barely any time for sleep.

One day when Kelder was out exploring the mouth of a cave, the magical bombs dropped. He wasn’t killed outright, but was caught on fire and stumbled into the cave and fell unconscious in a spring. When he awoke, he found he had significant burn scars that glowed like embers (soft and with an orange-red tinge). He was done with society for the most part after that event and became a scavenger.

Kelder would sell the items he found while scavenging. Eventually he was caught when authorities raided the establishment of his fence while he was there dropping off materials. The officers gave Kelder the choice: he would either be imprisoned or he could go to scout the new world.

(Above: Caelia)

Session 1
The Coalition of Independent Nations (COIN) had sent a first wave of ships over a year before to start colonizing a new continent. The characters were in the 3rd or 4th group sent, part of a 3 ship convoy (part of the only ship from that gorup that made it to the colony location). It was a small settlement with Gov. Harador in charge, Lady Mythe as his admin, and Francis O'Dottemer as the constable. Their "3 Rules" consisted of (1) work; (2) no stealing, no murder, no leaving without permission; and (3) society works best with order. The place had mostly humans, some elves, a few dwarves, and a few gnomes.

Oskin, Flej, Caelia, and Luniska joined with 2 human NPCs (including Josephus the rogue) as a scout group working for the colony (wearing white arm bands). There were 4 total scout parties. The red arm band group tried starting a fight with the PC group. The team went on a mission for 3 days mapping the forest near the colony. They killed 15 goblins and a boar before finding blue elves with silver eyes. On the way back, they stumbled upon some ancient ruins with a hologram and magic swords.

Session 2
Flej, Oskin, Caelia, and Luniska returned to the village. Flej visited with his grandparents and romanced the basketweaver Helene. A strong storm hit so the group helped save people and supplies along the beach. The village leaders wanted the team to find new possible locations to settle so the team went out into the mountains, killed 2 ankhegs, Josephus died, killed 8 ogres, and got captured by drow. The drow tortured the team, held in individual cells, until Flej was able to escape and get some drow weapons (with the help of the mysterious moon elves).

Session 3
Flej, Oskin, Caelia, Luniska, and their 3 moon elf allies escaped from the drow and found a beautiful ancient 10-story tall magical tree in an underground cavern. Flej planted seeds from the magical tree after the moon elves teleported them out. A valley community existed, led by Alexi Arborman the bard from a ship that mutanied and left the main group. The group brought the moon elves to speak with the village leaders; they told them about dragonborn people living in the south.

An army of 300 goblins attacked the village; only 20 survived. Flej's grandmother and many other people were killed in the attack; during the chaos Oskin broke into the mayor's house and dragged him out unconscious. The group ended up in a tense confrontation with Flej and Oskin wanting to kill the mayor and Caelia and Luniska not wanting to. Soon 6 new ships arrived (with several hundred people who had come to live in the colony) and Admiral Ashford agreed to take over command since the people had lost faith in the mayor. Amongst the new people was a druid who agreed to train Flej.

Flej decided he wanted to go with Helene, his grandfather, the druid, and his friends to go protect the ancient magical tree; he was willing to allow others from the village to come live in the underground compound with them.

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