Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Logs 336-347: Playtest Game

Logs 336-347: Playtest Game

LJ's Game System
Our buddy LJ created his own game system, wrote out an entire RPG book for his system, and had us (me, AMC, and NH) playtest the game for him. I really liked the system because it featured the "XP purchase" system like Vampire - but it was all d6 based so I was hesitant at first. Eventually I got used to the d6 system. We all had a ton of fun. We had paused my D&D game at the time and played this game for about 4 months, but we stopped so we could get back to the D&D game.

I played Gurr (a barbarian-esque character) with the initial flaws of being a feral mute. I picked those flaws not only to get extra abilities during character creation, but also for the RPG experience of not being able to talk my way through situations like most of my characters had done in the past. AMC played Garvel (who was similar to a necromancer) and NH played Akkara (who was basically an alchemist with an imaginary friend that she believed was real, Princess Shalandran).

During the first session, our characters befriended each other and the NPC Malakai. Gurr found a red magic staff that he used throughout the rest of the campaign. The group went into an ancient temple and participated in strange rituals. The campaign included the group: exploring caves, fighting wolves, fighting imperial agents, fighting undead, found old runes, joined the resistance movement, found ancient vaults and temples, travelled a lot, took downtime for weapon training, fought sewer enemies, were almost killed by a sea monster, became immigrants in the west, got hired as mercenaries, fought in an arena, were questioned by special magi police, fled south, defeated the enemies that came after us, bought some nice land at a lake, and retired.

The campaign was mostly exploration and allowed us to see different parts of LJ's campaign world. It was really interesting and I hope some day LJ officially publishes his finished product for the public.

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