Sunday, April 30, 2017

Thoughts: C Team Ep 6

Acquisitions Incorporated!
Homebrew: C Team 
Episode 6
Patrick Rothfuss breathed some much needed life into this show with his guest appearance for week 6. He played Dreibus (a half-orc), the son of Rosie Beestinger (the halfling monk) and not his usual Aquisitions Incorporated character Viari (the human bard from the main group).

(They really should add Driebus to the character list here)

The players enjoyed roleplaying back and forth so much this time that DM Jerry Holkins made a comment that they didn't even need him; I found that particularly funny since I have been critical with his DMing, though his DMing for this group is significantly improving.

Honestly I enjoyed the banter back and forth and player shenanigans so much this time that the Doomgate Inn storylines took a backseat for my interests. I was more concerned about the safety of the characters than what their actual goals were for this new arc, but I view that as a good sign. Even the dragonborn character, which had been pretty quiet for the first few episodes, was getting in more witty comments and clearly having a good time.

I liked that the episode seemed particularly "TV show episodic" in the sense that they started and ended in a way that allowed Driebus to join and then potentially leave at the end. It's nice when the RPG shows don't constantly end in dungeons or in the middle of things, leaving the fans/audience waiting from week to week to find out what happens next. BTW, I'm still not entirely sure what the Doomgate Inn plotline is going to be about - but that's ok.

(They really should add Driebus to the character list here too)

Table Talk
The post-game discussion was especially fun with Patrick Rothfuss dominating the conversation. Unfortunately, they made it clear that he only did this episode because he just happened to be in town for another event; they emphasized that his presence would not be a regular addition to the show. That's really too bad, but this episode did reignite my enthusiasm for watching the C Team.

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