Saturday, April 1, 2017

SAGA Log 1435 Vault of Madness

The RPG Saga continues...
For the 2016-2017 campaign year, I weaved these modules/stories together thus far (with the theme that some ancient enemy that both "The Vampire Queen" and Strahd had made a deal with was somehow connected to the yuan-ti "Dark Whisperer," whose agents had manipulated Oberon and Iymrith); the team is now trying to deal with the ancient yuan-ti cult:


The Skull Mountain Drawing from D&D Basic, 
Palace of the Vampire Queen,
Kingmaker [Modified to be in the Feywild],
Dwarven Glory,
Curse of Strahd,
Reverse Dungeon,
Storm King's Thunder,
Cloud Giant's Bargain,
and Serpent's Skull [Modified]

Saga Log 1435
Module: Serpent's Skull Adventure Path [Modified]
Note: At this point Mercy and Blood were KIA (with Mercy's body lost in the desert sands), Ori "retired" running his dwarf island kingdom, and Laz was MIA (hanging out with Drizzt)...

On the jungle island (which they believe to be part of the legendary "Purple Rocks") Pylia the half-elf bladesinger, Drizmar the drow rogue, Blue the satyr paladin, and Pezok the kenku rogue decided to engage in a strategy discussion before proceeding into the jungle with the evil yuan-ti cleric and/or the 30 frogfolk warriors (with their froghemoth, shaman, and chief). They decided to send the frogfolk group the long way around, they found the dead witch's journal (with a map to the "Holy Snake" cave temple), and showed the yuan-ti cleric the map/journal before heading toward the human whaling village.

They travelled through the jungle, rested, and found the cleric’s dead slaves and guards that had been killed by rocks (dropped by flying monkeys). They left the evil cleric outside while they investigated the human whaling village. They met the druid water genasi leader (wearing an ancient Netherese Fenwick symbol); she reincarnated Blood (who came back as a rock gnome). The team proceeded to the sorcerer hut, discussed ancient magics (disjunction, magical suppression, etc.), and recruited the evoker and diviner sorcerers in exchange for the witch’s book and the map so the other sorcerers could rescue the human slaves there. During the conversations they discovered that the sorcerers were actually yuan-ti wearing magic rings that made them human. The group led the sorcerers to the evil yuan-ti cleric and let them magic missile her to death.

The team went around the beach, met up with the frogfolk group, and used the diviner's abilities to spy on the Vault of Madness. Pylia used a scroll to teleport 9 of them there (leaving behind Pezok and the 30 frogfolk warriors). Pylia, Drizmar, Blue, Blood, the evoker, the diviner, the froghemoth, the chief, and the shaman battled/killed 6 giant apes (3 of which were winged); the froghemoth died during the battle.

The new ape king (a paladin) came and spoke with the group, negotiating to allow them access to the Vault of Madness; Blue gave the ape king the magic decanter that converted any liquid into wine. While the group rested, the ape king's people had a huge celebration in the "City of the 7 Statues" (which had rainbow banners).

They knew the riddle that "You must enter the Vault of Madness to get the crystal skulls, but no magic items may leave the vault." Drizmar worried that they would lose all of their magic items if they went in with them; Pylia and Blue assured him that was why they had the sorcerers with them. The evoker and diviner cast spells at the vault that removed 4 of the 7 arcane symbols (after eating the monkey brains they were offered for breakfast). The frogfolk chief and shaman died when they went into the Vault of Madness. Note: As the team was sucked into the Vault of Madness, they saw a group of enemies rushing into the room to kill the ape king behind them.

In the Vault of Madness the team killed 14 ooze-covered aberrations, destroyed a gelatinous cube and clay golem, dealt with traps, made their way to a water-filled area with piranha fish (that Blood's fey spirit guardians killed), ignored some kuo-toas, and made their way through a flooded tunnel. In the next section the group killed flesh-eating vines, ooze mephits, mudmen, and an earth elemental. They made their way to a gate/door labeled "Vault of Silence" with arcane warnings that the next area would be silent. Pylia still had her "telepathic web" spell active.

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