Monday, July 6, 2020

POG 46: 130,000

My PLOG (Personal Log) continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

More people are getting infected. More people are dying. And Trump continues to lie about it.

How dare he say "totally harmless" when people are infecting other people, leading to health problems and deaths. I can't believe how long Trump has been in office getting away with this nonsense. Over 130,000 people are dead in the US; it should be criminal for Trump to mislead the public like this; it's just insane. This is the reason some people think it'll be safe to re-open schools for in-person learning.

It's not safe. University summer schools, as well as summer sports teams that are practicing, are all finding infections. And then what are they supposed to do? They end up having to stop again. Was the denial really worth getting more people infected, sick, and dying? Sigh. Again, I feel like a broken record.

Time to escape reality for a bit...

We've made great progress in Minecraft. The town is really starting to look like a city... Oh, I can't do this. 130,000 people are dead. The US President is leading a misinformation campaign that allows people to remain in danger and in denial. It's outrageous!

Be safe out there (and I'll be safe at home)!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't realize you had started a personal quarantine log. Good to hear you're safe though. I assume A is as well. You'll chuckle to know that I almost let a "your" slip though in place of a "you're" when writing this comment. Pitiful, for an English Major, eh? It's also nice to see that one of us is still in the classroom (metaphorically). Take care.
