Sunday, July 5, 2020

PLOG 45: Happy 5th!

My PLOG (Personal Log) continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

While the USA was celebrating the 4th of July, it turns out people in the UK were celebrating the re-opening of pubs/taverns/bars. And what would you know - drunk people can't socially distance.

Wow! Who would have seen that coming? Just when you think a nation has been responsible and is following the numbers for a safe re-opening, guess what happens? It turns out humanity isn't capable of a "safe" re-opening because people want to party and throw all caution to the wind.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm almost there myself. Why not just go outside, into the world, and enjoy being around other people? Why not go visit family and go out to eat and drink? Oh yeah - that's right - because it's potentially life-threatening; even if you don't lose your life, you can end up with huge medical bills and permanent health issues for the rest of your life.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record. It is frustrating. I suppose I should just go back to my Minecraft and my Lego and escape from the world. I could. This is technically my vacation time, after all. I'm just in a holding pattern to find out what my job will be asking from me when my summer vacation ends.

At least Biden is praising teachers; it probably helps that his wife is a retired teacher.

He called my career "Most Important" and I like that. Let' get teacher morale back up and increase funding for education. Oh, and make sure it's safe for everyone before rushing back too soon.

Be safe out there (and I'll be safe in here)!

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