Thursday, July 9, 2020

PLOG 49: Not Great

My PLOG (Personal Log) continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

Dr. Fauci seems to be on the outs with Trump because he is speaking truth about the virus, rather than help deliver politically divisive messages. Good for him! He's admitting that we aren't doing great.

The truth needs to be spoken. Hopefully Dr. Fauci can help break through some of the political divide and let people see the science and medical info. The sad truth is, the virus situation is completely out of control and we have no national leadership coordinating an effort to get it under control.

The state of Texas is now at over 100 deaths a day, with the amount increasing every day. That's really scary. As a Texan, I am saddened by these numbers. As an American, I am also saddened by the new daily cases across the nation as well - now being over 60,600 a day. Just a few days ago we were at 50,000 new cases a day.

All of those numbers are from today. And yet today, once again, the Trump administration is emphasizing that they want schools to open for in-person learning. How can they look at the numbers and still say they want to sacrifice students and teachers like this? We know how the virus works in nursing homes and prisons because they weren't shut down. Schools will end up the same way, as hot beds of infection. Air conditioning systems play a huge factor in the spread of the coronavirus; having worked in schools for so long, I can tell you the AC systems are just crap. They are not setup to filter out the virus. They will spread it from room to room to room until we are all infected; then we will take the infections home and our family members will get it too.

I feel like Giles during Buffy the Vampire Slayer saying "We're doomed" - except, I don't mean it in a fun, sassy sort of way. We are doomed. For some reason mass members of society, including our leaders, are in denial of this super virus having forever changed our society. They don't seem to want to admit that we must start functioning differently now. We can't just go back to "business as usual" or whatever they thought of as "normal" back before the virus hit.

Why not take advantage of this situation as a chance to admit that we, as humans, need to do better and reorganize our society? Why not setup new systems to help people? Why not make changes for the better, instead of trying to force people back in the "before times" that will get them infected?

My belief is we need to let people work from home. We need to give people economic support, such as stimulus money or a universal basic income. Our economy is collapsing. Our society is collapsing. Assuming that the rest of humanity survives this virus, history will look back on the US as being full of fools. Saying the situation isn't great is an understatement.


Be safe out there; I'll be safe at home!

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