Sunday, July 26, 2020

PLOG 66: Lego Collectible Minifigure Series 16 Review

My PLOG continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

Lego put out their Collectible Minifigure (CMF) Series 16 as a celebration of "10 Years of Lego Minifigures" 2010-2020. I think it's great. Here's the entire set, which I was able to add to my collection today (thanks to an Amazon seller offering a complete set of all 16 minifigures). That seller is doing the work of angels since these items are sold as blind bags in which you normally have no idea which figure you'll get and thus you end up buying more than you need and getting duplicates.

Thank you Amazon (and Amazon Prime for 1-day shipping). If you're looking for a complete set of any series, you can try searching online (but they get more expensive the longer they have been retired). You can also purchase them individually from 3rd party websites such as Bricklink and BrickOwl.

Here's the mini-poster with all 16 figures in Series 16:

The back of the mini-poster shows how to put them together and celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the CMF line.

Of the 16 figures, I divided them into tiers. Tier 3 is my least favorite, with the more generic looking ones. What is there to say about there? It looks like Lego ripped off a Power Ranger. There's a raven knight with a cool shield. Random martial arts boy, random viking, and random female athlete.

My Tier 2 selections are an upgrade from Tier 3, with more interesting items and hair and such. The llama girl is so weird that many Lego YouTubers have wondered where to put her in their cities. The pirate girl has a great hat with hair attached; I got an extra sword in my pack. The pajama girl with her bunny-bear would have been in my Tier 1, but they put yellow printing on her torso (which means I can't use it for a flesh-colored figure). I really like the girl jamming with the cool hair and hat combo. The pea in the pod actually has an awesome shirt-torso print under the costume.

My chosen Tier 1 figures are by far some of the best ever released. The swimmer is there because of the turtle. The space girl has an awesome hat piece with hair, as well as the most accessories by far. The iron boy is super cool. The green Lego man is great. Piñata boy really needs a better torso, but the hat and piñata make up for it.

And my favorite minifigure of this series is the 80s rock musician, with his awesome hair, torso print (which says "Tour" on the back of the jacket), and special musical instrument.

Overall I would recommend the series if you're able to get them all at once like I did, or if you can buy them knowing which one you're going to get. I wouldn't want to get them randomly though.

Be safe out there and I'll be safe at home!

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