Wednesday, July 29, 2020

PLOG 69: Forever Sorting 2

My PLOG continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

Believe it or not, the people at The Lego Group (TLG) continued their inside joke with a tile for the movie "Forever Sorting 2" as part of the Joke Manor set in 2017.

I've made great progress with the Lego sorting and organizing this week. I'm down to just half of the 21 ice cream buckets full of bulk storage that I started with a couple of days ago.

I grabbed a ziplock bag to put in the weird pieces I was finding; it turns out I had more old Tyco and Mega Blocks (and other weird brands) mixed in than I had realized. It's not too bad considering how much Lego I have, but it's still way more than I had expected to find in there. 

I wanted to share out a tip, since I keep finding small pieces stuck inside of larger Lego pieces. They end up jammed in there from being stored together and the regular Lego tool can't get them out because of the angle and such. For that reason, I have been keeping a flame piece handy; it's got a small enough extension with the flame to get in and catch the inside of a stuck tile. Then I can get the smaller piece out.

That's it for today. I have to get back to sorting, after all. I'd like to have all of the sorting done before my summer vacation officially comes to an end.

Be safe out there and I'll be safe at home!

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