Tuesday, February 12, 2019

AL PC: Jerp

Season 7 Play: Attained Level 7 (Tempest Cleric 1; Ranger 6)

Sometimes, while DMing, I get huge bursts of inspiration. I had been DMing a lot in Season 7 (because it was both fun and highly rewarding with the DM Rewards that were in place back then). During one of the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaigns, there was a situation in which the party argued about whether or not to just kill the goblin they had captured after combat. Once of the players insisted they keep him alive and use him as a scout. Thus Jerp the NPC goblin became a recurring NPC.

The player character that recruited Jerp took care of him and mentored him, training him to become a cleric as well. The NPC Sildar Hallwinter even convinced the goblin to join the Lord’s Alliance. Since the campaign took at least four sessions, different players came and went but the cleric that recruit Jerp was always there so I kept the NPC around for the entire campaign. When they fought the dragon in Thundertree, brave Jerp was killed by its breath weapon. They had the nearby druid reincarnate Jerp; he came back as a wood elf. I had already decided I wanted to use my DM Rewards to make an actual character of Jerp Cragmaw after the campaign, but with the randomly rolled wood elf body it was perfect for play.

After the campaign, I put in a bunch of DM Rewards and thus Jerp Cragmaw was an actual character for me to play, as a cleric-ranger starting in Tier 2. Ironically, the cleric character that had recruited Jerp had rebuilt his character into a light cleric, but I kept Jerp as a tempest cleric since that was what he started as.

The only adventures I played as Jerp were White Plume Mountain (with a group that only focused on retrieving the weapons and not on clearing every room of the dungeon – which was refreshing) and DDEP07-01 Peril at the Port, but I really enjoyed the concept of the character and I hope to play him more in the future.

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