Sunday, September 20, 2020

PLOG 81: 200,000 Deaths

 My PLOG continues...

The US coronavirus deaths are going to surpass 200,000 within the next 24 hours. And yet many people in our society seem to be at a point that they just want to ignore that the pandemic is going on so they can have a sense of "normalcy."

Meanwhile, this week US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg died at 87 years old, after multiple bouts of cancer. She had fought for so long in hopes that she could survive until another Democrat was elected as US President. That means that Trump's team now has the ability to appoint yet another US Supreme Court justice, which could give the extreme conservatives control of the courts. And that is very scary. We could all be screwed. The extreme conservatives have the White House and the US Senate, which basically gives them 2 of the 3 branches of the government. If they dominate the court and Trump gets re-elected, that'll be just horrendous. I can't even begin to predict the horrible things they will be able to get away with, but I know that it'll cause me to lose even more hope. And that's sad.

Be safe out there and let's hope for the best (while we still have some hope left in us)!

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