Tuesday, September 8, 2020

PLOG 79: 190,000 Deaths

My PLOG continues...

The numbers reported by CNN, US News, and other sources show that at some point tonight or tomorrow the US coronavirus death total will exceed 190,000. My goodness. It's so crazy that we find ourselves here. What's worse is that the predictions for the rest of the year are looking worse than before.

Meanwhile, having seen schools reopen in person myself - that's right - me on the frontlines as an essential worker - I can account for the absurdity of this situation. The strange, sad looks on the faces of the students, the shock of the safety protocols, the strangeness of coming to school but having all the work be online (because teachers aren't passing out and collecting papers) - it's like something out of the Twilight Zone or a nightmare. It almost doesn't feel real because it's so surreal.

But it's real. And we're right in the middle of it. During hall duty today I asked a student to please put his mask all the way up over his nostrils and he replied, "I have a huge nose!" It was like a joke to him, though in fairness, his nose did rival that of Harrison Ford.

I wouldn't want to be a student in a class with all of the restrictions. The fun and social aspects are mostly gone from the educational setting.

As for shutting back down, now that we are in the thick of it, I realize that the admins - in their bureaucratic brilliance - have phrased the policies in such ways that will make it very difficult. We are being told we don't even need to quarantine if we had masks on because direct contact has been redefined as only being maskless and for a duration of about 15 minutes or more.

Well, be as safe as possible out there and I will be doing the same (while maintaining my paycheck).

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