Monday, May 25, 2020

PLOG 4: Cooking XP

Personal Log (PLOG)
Summer Vacation: Day 4
Pandemic Emergency Day: 74

As with anything skills-based in life, I now look at cooking as something I gain "gain XP" in (as in "experience points" from an RPG or video game perspective) and "level up" as I get more experience. Basically, the more I cook, the better I get at it. It makes sense.

Thus when I went to make my sausage jambalaya, I decided at the last moment to make it chicken and sausage jambalaya. And it was amazing! I had cooked chicken and sausage gumbo and chicken and sausage red beans and rice, but I hadn't tried the combination of meets in jambalaya. I was glad I did.

Meanwhile, it's Memorial Day weekend and I can't believe what I'm seeing on the news. Tons of people have gone out to beaches without social distancing and without face masks on. They are just throwing caution to the wind. I watched interviews on CNN with people at the beach saying things like "we are all going to die eventually" and "if Trump isn't going to wear a mask, I don't need to either." They have become relaxed in the time of the pandemic. But I don't think they should be that relaxed. Those vacationers are going to return to their home towns and they could be bringing the deadly virus with them.


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