Saturday, May 23, 2020

PLOG 2: Emerald Empire

Personal Log (PLOG)
Summer Vacation: Day 2
Pandemic Emergency Day: 72 

For day 2 of my summer vacation I was feeling a bit restless (because I've been working at home for a long time). After some reading, napping, and wasting time on YouTube and Reddit, I finally decided to get back to playing Minecraft. I have a Realms server that we call the...


It's just a few of us, but we are playing on a great seed. We have a main spawn area and then each person also has a HQ out in the world somewhere. I made a "Central Station" underground at the spawn area (aka Central City), but it's the Nether Hub that really connects everything together. We decided to take it slow with this Minecraft build up and thus we haven't even gone to The End and killed the dragon yet, despite the fact that the server has been running for 2 months now.

That's right. It's basically a pandemic server. I made it once I realized that really, truly, we were in lockdown in our homes. I figured it would be a great time to play some Minecraft.

My buddy, username Sprincessa, recently built an iron farm on the server and that thing is pumping out some iron for us. My main project today was figuring out where it was and connecting the Nether tunnels/portals to its collection room without it messing up her Nether portal for her base, which is very close to the iron farm. She also has a great collection of trading villagers hidden underground. That's the best strategy with Illagers in the game, trying to raid places.

I also spent some of the day out at the Mesa mining more terracotta blocks to use for building. For now, I figure it's easier to use those than to bother making concrete. Eventually I will want concrete colors though since they are so bright. I tend to build more modern buildings so those bright colors and glass look really nice together.

Well, I guess that's it for today other than to say I finished off the leftover Cheesy Chicken Helper I had cooked 2 days ago and cooked some new shrimp and chicken gumbo. Great food. I'm proud of my advancements as a chef.


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