Monday, March 18, 2019

AL PC: Jermaine

Jermaine Nexus Nesmee the tiefling paladin

Technically, I made this character in Season 7 but I only played one adventure with him because of a very serious rule in Adventurers League: you are not allowed to change a character’s name. Other than Ro and my legacy characters (Thokson and Thoxina), I had decided to go with a “Jer” theme for my character names. Jarenian is technically spelled a little differently, but still sounds like “Jer” when you say it. Thus, having only played one session as Nexus Nesmee, I decided to shelf the character.

One day I was looking at a list of words that started with “Jer” and realized that Jermaine means brother and thus could be a title for a monk or a paladin. For Season 8, I brought Nexus back as “Brother” Nexus Nesmee, aka Jermaine Nexus Nesmee the tiefling paladin. Unfortunately, since he had played an adventure in Season 7, but had not received any magic items, I have put him at a disadvantage in Season 8. He won’t have enough treasure points to purchase a Table F item at the end of Tier 1 unless I DM some more and apply some DM rewards to him. So I guess I need to DM more…

DDEX1-4: Dues for the Dead: I played this adventure during Season 7, several times with different characters. It’s always fun.

CCC-PP-TDD01-01 Trouble Under Winton: This session was insane. The DM had warned us ahead of time that it could be lethal, but I had no idea. This kobold lair was full of enemies. We almost had a TPK, with some of the party members telling us to run, save ourselves, and leave them behind. My character complied. It was so sad. Meanwhile, some of the other characters were starting a communist revolution within the kobolds. There were definite times when I thought to myself “I’d rather be a low-level fighter or cleric than paladin” but I kept playing my character; he’s going to be amazing at level 6…

CCC-TAROT01-03 A Martyred Heart: This was a fun adventure that, luckily, was done for charity and we had re-rolls as options with the money donated. The re-rolls saved us, but it’s all together possible the DM calculated that when he was putting together the threats.

CCC-AETHER-02 The Heir to Orcus Verse 2: This adventure featured some interesting items that were a tribute to the video game DOOM. I liked the idea of fighting lots of minions, but the “big bad” final fight was disappointing because the bad guy teleported away. I think it’s because the adventure is part of a series (which I will likely never get to play out, but oh well).

He’s almost to Tier 2…

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