Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Logs 566-570: Justice League Gen 2

NH's Campaign (D&D 3E): Justice League Generation 2
Unfortunately, I lost my notes from these adventures. Here's what I do know and can tell you. We played out some adventures as the 2nd generation of the Justice League characters with NH DMing for us. I played as Urmai Ual (the biological son of Urmai, who was adopted by and raised by Merry). MR played the son of TR and PM, who went by Max as a nickname. MW played a different character.

I remember that ultimately the short campaign came down to our characters defending a city from enemies and we setup a huge Lego display with a table filled with castle, homes, and outer walls. We used the Lego bricks and minifigs as minis representing the battlefield.

We won the battle.
(I don't have photos from our actual event so I borrowed this image from:

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