Tuesday, June 18, 2019

COMT 31-35: Curse of Strahd

The Federation of Explorers (Part 2) a.k.a. The City of Many Things (a.k.a. The Criminals of Many Things) continued with The Curse of Strahd...

CoMT 31: Seiken the elf monk, Elyrin the human necromancer, and Keravel elf cleric were finished with their mission saving the city from the monsters that threatened it. The elves from the High Forest sent an eladrin ambassador (Daevala) from an ancient elven city that hid from the Netherese; they had elven magic forging abilities and druids that would help with farms. The CoMT setup an elven embassy for them. Keravel went to become the new leader of Naeb, to rebuild that city.

Raylin Sunsoaker, the human sun cleric and Director of FOE, returned to the city, having done a ton of research about Strahd and the Dark Powers – along with a plan to go into the Domains of Dread to try to free his tainted soul. Elyrin and Seiken agreed to go with him. Seiken, Elyrin, and Raylin went shopping with the ancient elves before going to the Twilight Forest and entering the mists of Ravenloft/visiting with the Vistani and Madame Eva. They ended up in the village of Krezk, and a strange Abby…

32: Strahd taunted the team by ordering the peole at the Krezk to attack the team of Seiken, Elyrin, and Keravel before disappearing. After the team defeated the enemies there, they went down the road toward the village of Barovia – stopping at a lake. They took a boat across the lake, looked for a wolf cave, and found an elk that turned out to be the insane Mordenkainen! The team dispelled his mind blank and went into Mordy’s mansion. After resting and sharing info with Mordy, the team left.

33: The team (Seiken, Elyrin, and Raylin) fought off a dozen werewolves and then spent more days heading toward Barovia. They ended up in a “ghost town” where they found off an army of undead with zombie, spirit skeles, and a skull lord caster.

34: After some keepy dreams/visions/illusions, the team finally ended up in Barovia. They dealt with the local church with the priest whose son was a vampire. The team got the info on where to find the crypt of Strahd’s brother, where there was a weapon they could use to defeat Strahd. They went through a creepy graveyard and battled some demons and amges. Strahd tried taunting the team again when they got the sunsword.

Days later, the team went into Strahd’s castle to fight him. They fought off Strahd’s army of undead and defeated the Dark Lord Strahd! They then found themselves planeshifted to a “Dark Powers Council Chamber” with 3 death gods (Bhaal, Talona, Loviatar). Seiken used the scale the gem dragon (Seradeth) gave the team, thus summoning him to join in the battle…

35: Seiken, Elyrin (with his undead minions), Raylin fought Loviatar while Seradeth took on Bhaal and Talona. After finishing off their opponent, the team joined Seradeth. Together, they defeated the death gods and freed Raylin’s soul from the Dark Powers. Seradeth thanked them and gave them each an open invitation to his resting pool.

Epilogue: Elyrin decided to continue life as an adventurer for hire. Seiken started his own monastery. Raylin headed to other worlds to setup chapters of FOE as an interplanar adventuring company. Meanwhile, Keravel had setup a proper, non-evil government, in Naeb and had renamed the city back to Loudwater. He also convinced more elves to move there.

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