Monday, June 29, 2020

PLOG 39: Global Issue

My Personal Log (PLOG) continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

I realized I have been using numbers from Texas and the US, but the pandemic really is a global issue. And the global numbers are staggering.

Around the world, half a million people have died from the coronavirus, with over 10 million infected. And that's just the reported numbers; I assume they are actually much higher than those numbers. I think we should keep a global perspective in mind. It is just easier to look at and understand the US numbers, such as the map below:

I have watched over the last few weeks as the green areas on the map have disappeared. Green was good because it meant the numbers were down. There are no longer any dark green states and only a couple of light green ones are left. The nation has gone red and dark red - which means increasing infection numbers. We have 25% of the infections and deaths in the world.

We are losing this battle, but when you look at other countries you do see some hope. Some nations have been able to isolate the cases and convince the majority of the population to wear masks. Hopefully our doubters will eventually see the science and the success of those places and change their minds. 

Even some of the YouTube personalities that I watch talk about how they don't want to wear masks. From various conspiracy theories to just the notion that it's a symbol or that it's uncomfortable, they have various reasons for their resistance. I hope they will change their minds before they get horribly ill.

On a personal note, I will say I have been lucky to have worked at home in the spring and then to be able to just stay home for my "summer vacation" and thus I haven't had to wear masks much. But I do wear my mask to go get the mail or even when retrieving groceries from my front door (from delivery). I'm happy to pay those extra delivery fees in exchange for less worry about getting infected.

Another personal note: I enjoy writing a daily blog. It's been fun and, as of tomorrow, I will have been blogging for the entire month of June! Woot!

Be safe out there (and I'll be safe at home)!

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