Thursday, June 18, 2020

PLOG 28: Doubletalk

My Personal Log (PLOG) continues during this time of pandemic and protests...

There's more doublethink going on in the sense of doubletalk today, as Trump tries to convince people to ignore the numbers and just trust him (even though he contradicts the numbers and science).

To this I say, "Really?" But really, many people are falling for these lies - day after day. Trump is such a narcissistic person that he seems to think people are putting on facial masks just to spite him; he is in such denial of the serious threat to people's health, that he can't see reality for what it is. And the reality is, until a medical breakthrough is made to deal with coronavirus, we are in serious trouble.

Dr. Fauci is on CNN explaining that people shouldn't be expecting major league football this year. Pulling it off seems unfeasible because of both the issue of the fans crowding the arenas and the players being at risk from one another. 

People need to accept that life has changed for us. It may never be the same again. Or, we could end up with a major medical solution to the virus. In the meantime, people need to make sacrfices and then keep making sacrifices.

I would like to leave my apartment for more than just getting the mail, but I am staying put because it's my summer vacation and I know that every contact with someone outside is a chance of catching a deadly virus. Even if it doesn't kill me, it could forever change my health for the worse and/or leave me with medical bills that I can't afford to pay.

In other news, the police may not be much help to us in the future (as CNN was discussing earlier, regarding the Atlanta police)...

Many police officers are upset at how law enforcement is being treated during this time period. With racial tension at an all-time high for our modern times, cops are afraid they could end up in a situation out of their control that causes them to not only have their lives in danger, but also to lose their jobs and be painted as a racist person - maybe even charged with murder. Out of protest, out of anger, out of fear, or any other number of reasons - we are now seeing more and more cops calling in sick or refusing to go to the scenes of certain incidents.

It sounds like society is falling apart. And people are worried about going to see their favorite football team. More and more customers and businesses are fighting over wearing facial masks because of the lack of leadership from our government (local, state, and national). I haven't even begun to consider the global ramifications of all of this... sigh. I'm all worked up today!

People need to wake up from their denials and delusions and accept that it's a new world we are living in. It's a dangerous world that requires precautions to be taken. It's no longer the fun, kind of carefree existence we had before. It's like the Earth has lost its innocence.

I can't imagine being someone who has lost a loved one due to the coronavirus, or being someone who has serious health complications or financial bills from it, and then have Trump out there making it sound like it's not a big deal. I would feel so belittled.

Be safe out there (and I'll be safe in here)!

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