Monday, March 27, 2017

Thoughts: Minecraft 1.11

What have I been thinking about?
Minecraft! It's a combination of my 2 favorite hobbies (Dungeons & Dragons and Lego) in the sense that it creates a digital building environment with adventure elements (and monsters). It's a fun game, but players end up having to create their own purpose/goals while in the game. I usually want to setup survival bases, cities, and underground railroads that connect an empire.

In the past I have played games on my computer, played on servers with friends, and even hosted my own Minecraft Realms server for about 2 years (in which we reset after about a year).

On Twitter there was an announcement that Minecraft version 1.12 was being worked on (with parrots and lots of color additions being added). When I saw that, I decided to check out what has changed with the 1.11 release (since I hadn't played Minecraft in a couple of months). I watched this YouTube video and decided to borrow seed #4 that was showcased:

Minecraft 1.11 Seed: -4017869926782671687
I made a survival game on my computer. It's a nice seed because it starts in the plains with a Mushroom Island within viewing distance of spawn. Over the course of just 2.5 days I had a nice setup with a self-sustaining base growing wheat, sugarcane, potatoes, carrots, beats, melons, pumpkins, and netherwart. At the base I also had pigs, cows, chicken, and sheep (in all the colors except for brown - since I hadn't found a jungle yet). I had a "Spawn Station" (setup near the spawn point with my storage room, enchanting, and brewing), a "Central City" (at coordinates X=0, Z=0) started up with a desert temple, and I just found another temple with a desert village nearby. I also found both a skeleton spawner and a zombie spawner. In the Nether I found the fortress (with a blaze spawner) and I created a cobblestone road leading to it. I just got a saddle and I want to go capture some wild horses I saw near the spawn area.

Spawn: -132, 68, 258 (in Plains Biome, with Mushroom Island in visible range)
6 Diamonds Near Spawn (and lava): -47, 13, 204
3 More Diamonds Near Spawn (and lava): -59, 11, 213
Zombie Spawner (near Mushroom Island): -273, 62, 573
Desert Temple 1: 0, 70, 122
Skeleton Spawner (Near Desert Temple 1): -125, 60, 18
Desert Temple 2: -207, 65, 730
Desert Village (no blacksmith): -236, 64, 821

Future goals for this game: find the end, defeat the end dragon, find the end cities (loot them), find some of the new 1.11 mansions (loot them), and find the rest of the biomes (mesa, ice spikes, jungle).

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