Monday, October 2, 2017

More Acquisitions, Inc.

I previously blogged about the first decade of Acquisitions, Incorporated and mentioned how much fun I have watching other people - fun, funny people - play D&D sessions:

Since that blog post, the AI group has played 2 more sessions with Chris Perkins DMing. One of those was an audio session called "Enter the Trash Witch" with Holly Conrad as Strix from Dice, Camera, Action!

The other session, and the latest live play for the AI team, continued the adventure with Strix and took place at PAX West 2017 (with the group in costume):

My Thoughts
I really enjoyed these sessions, finding myself literally laughing out loud several times. The team of Omin, Jim, Viari, and Strix was fun for multiple reasons: Omin seems less obnoxious when Viari is there becuase Viari enjoys playing the role of "subservient" hireling and the competitiveness between Jim and Strix remained playful while providing a sense of tension.

I was enjoying the inclusion of Strix and was hoping she might become permanent - but - SPOILERS - her character gets to leave at the end of the 2-part adventure and DM Chris Perkins announced another character would be guest-starring next time. This is a clever move by Wizards of the Coast since it makes me want to go back and watch their Dice, Camera, Action series (which is where Strix is from).

Maybe they realized they can use the 4th chair at the table to help promote different groups and continue tying in different connections to different teams. I look forward to seeing what happens at their next game...

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