Friday, May 22, 2020

FOE3 Log 21-23

I just looked through my notes and realized I needed to post the last three adventure session logs from before the PANDEMIC began...

The Federation of Explorers Generation 3 (FOE3) continues with...
Althar Ovinson the yuan-ti cleric-wizard;
Zeraf the tiefling rogue-ranger; and
A'Beezel the tiefling bard!

Session 21
In the mountains:Althar, Zeraf, A'Bezeel, and Dax went down into a "drow hole" and found a cavern full of evil mushrooms. They had a huge battle with the mushrooms; A'Beezel and Dax were infected with spores, but Dax cured them. After resting, the team went deeper underground. A roper surprise attacked the group and almost killed them, but they defeated it in battle.

After finding paths with a purple haze, the team turned around and found an alternate route down. This led them to fighting a neolithid that killed Althar's familiar and Dax with its acid breath. The group rested after the battle, with the dead Dax and his automaton in the group portable hole.

Session 22
In the mountain caverns:Althar, Zeraf, and A'Bezeel traveled another 10 days before finally finding a dark elf city: Dinzarn. They paid Velgarn the drow merchant to sneak them into a safe house and help them plan how to rescue the captured slaves (A'Bezeel's villager friends who had been captured, including the barmaid Rosy). The drow fighter Qalore (pronounced "Kaylor") also helped the team.

Drow insurrectionists put magical illusions on the team so they would look like drow. The team infiltrated the slave prison and rescued the slave with minimal conflict/combat until fleeing out of the city; the team used diguises, distractions, and explosives to get the slaves out to safety.

The group eventually made it back to Deepwood Fort with the rescued slaves. They gave the gnome tinkerer the automaton and scraps. One of the rescued villagers was a wizard's apprentice; they were mostly humans. Rosy was very happy with A'Bezeel.

Session 23
At Deepwood Fort:Althar, Zeraf, and A'Bezeel had to deal with Steve's shenanigans; Steve threw a fit and exiled himself; the team had the local bard magically message Bagi in Deepwater and warn her Steve was coming. She said she would kill him if he went there.

The team spent 4 months of downtime setting up expansions in Deepwood, including farms and new buildings - along with a set political structure with a council to rule when the adventuring party is out of town or unavailable.

They found out the dark elves killed Steve (though it's possible he gave them valuable intel about the villages and such before dying). The party went to help Deepwater fend off a drow assault, leaving the council in charge of Deepwood.

Deepwater had expanded as well, with large statues honoring Ludo, Zeraf, and Althar; they replaced the town hall with a market (apparently abandoning the commune style of living for some form of capitalism?) and built a "war council" (Bagi, cleric of Mask, and the wizard) two-story town hall.

A drow army led by a wizard and priestess invaded Deepwater...

[Battle next time - though unsure when next time will be?]

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