Monday, July 31, 2017

SAGA Log 1447: Rescuing Strahd & Brodo

The RPG SAGA continues...
Module: Jade Regent Adventure Path

SAGA Log 1447: Rescuing Strahd & Brodo

Force Green's "Core 4" (Pylia the half-elf bladesinger, Drizmar the drow assassin, Blue the satyr paladin, Blood the gnome cleric) plus Goldy the gold dragonborn wizard and Fritz the half-elf bard finished their planning and went to Oerth...

The team saved a halfling from goblins in the forest, avoided more monsters via their flying and invisibility, and flew into top of Greyhawk Tower (to a scrying room where they threw out the magic talking orb and set off traps burning books) They defeated a room of darkness, left behind riding drakes, defeated the evil pixie Spivey and his lover the female quickling, hung out with talking Portal Room 3 Door, found the secret vault and normal vault, went down more stairs to Portal Room 2 and Portal Room 1 (where they changed the magic passwords to doors). As they continued, they defeated 2 ogre guards and saved Brodo the halfling thief (member of GOAT) from an anti-magic room.

They found the second anti-magic room, with Strahd inside. Blue went into Strahd’s room not knowing it was enchanted so that it would trade places - someone had to go in for the person inside to be freed; Pylia was able to dispel the trap and free Blue. After some discussion with Strahd (involving him and Drizmar arguing about which of them loved Pylia more), the group teleported to the City of Greyhawk, to dragon-bros home, and yet another character once again expressed his desire to be with Pylia. There was lots of group talk.

Fritz and Brodo stayed behind to secure Castle Greyhawk, but said to contact them when the team was ready to assault Veersalla. The rest of the team plane-shifted back to Kalibruhn-Toril to some snow mountains in Kara-Tur, to follow the trail of Kya's family by tracking down the sword "Suishen" that Strahd told them about...

The team (with Strahd) found some frost barbarians led by a witch lady; she agreed to scry on a half-troll sorcerer for them. They spent the rest of the day going to the sorcerer. They rescued Ulf the barbarian of the “Death Clan” from the sorcerer's cave (defeating the half-troll and his girl) and spent 4 days flying him home. They spoke with the chief of the “Death Clan” and Blue agreed to join the clan after the group went to slay the gray dragon and get back the legendary sword Suishen.

They had a big battle in which they defeated an ancient gray dragon with steam breath, a cold chimera, centaur, and ice toad. The team collected treasure from ice, took the heads from monsters, and collected a bag's worth of dragon’s blood. The team rested and travelled back to meet up with the "Death Clan" frost barbarians...

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