The RPG SAGA continues with "The Dream Team" of:
Koriel "Kori" the aasimar (human-looking) arcane archer,
"Puff" the gnome dream druid,
Aegle the winged elf kensei monk,
and their allies...
DM Note
For this session, we ended up with more combat than roleplay and that's fine because we balance it out over time. It was nice to vary things up with the water combat, but the team did their best to avoid going into the water as long as they could (which is good strategy so I don't blame them).
4U Session 10 Log
Homebrew Campaign (Alternate Forgotten Realms)
[Modules: Modified -----]
Continuing from last time (outside the Obsidian Fang, after finding out the dead dragon's body was missing) Aegle flew off to check on his leatherworkers and kobold ally. Kori, Puff, Frazzle, Acidfire, and Mel continued to the "Dark Lady's Cave" with their kobold scout leading the way. In the forest, they battled and killed six troglodyte warriors.
At the cave entrance (with a river, rocks, a bridge, and debris), Aegle rejoined the group as they battled 6 lizardfolk warriors, the lizardfolk captain, and the Dark Lady. The team defeated their foes and took a short rest before progressing inside.
The Dark Lady had flooded the cave, thus the team had to fight monsters in water - including water elementals, mephits, and genasi leaders. Puff used his captured earth elemental to help with the battle. In the end, they were able to retrieve the dragon's dead body before the ritual was complete; thus they prevented the creation of the dracolich.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
CoMT 7: FOE Lady
The Adventures of the Criminals of Many Things continue with:
Seiken the elf kensei monk,
Mory Brewblood the dwarf cleric,
Elyrin the human necromancer, and
Bleaksin Blackscale the kobold scout!
CoMT Session 7
Homebrew FR Campaign: The City of Many Things
Before the group (Mory, Seiken, Elyrin, Bleaksin, and the rescued refugees) left the half-burned down fort in the woods, Elyrin checked out the messed up teleportation circle. The team managed to return to the City of Many Things without difficulty. They treated the rescued refugees to a nice dinner at the FOE tavern, even hiring one of them to become "FOE Lady" running the new base operations for this chapter of FOE. They went ahead and paid her salary for the month, along with a bartender and server; she was able to trade out the armor and weapons that the team had been collecting from their adventuring.
Mory, Seiken, Elyrin, and Bleaksin went through some of the disputed territory and killed 2 orcs, 1 gnoll, and 2 goblins. They made it to the wizard tower (that Seiken and the others had previously secured) but Oozey still had the key and someone else had taken up residence there. Seiken made his way up the wall, into the 4th floor window with the team following after them. They killed 6 zombies, a ghast, 3 ghouls, and 4 skeletons. There was a teleport circle and some books in the room.
Seiken the elf kensei monk,
Mory Brewblood the dwarf cleric,
Elyrin the human necromancer, and
Bleaksin Blackscale the kobold scout!
CoMT Session 7
Homebrew FR Campaign: The City of Many Things
Before the group (Mory, Seiken, Elyrin, Bleaksin, and the rescued refugees) left the half-burned down fort in the woods, Elyrin checked out the messed up teleportation circle. The team managed to return to the City of Many Things without difficulty. They treated the rescued refugees to a nice dinner at the FOE tavern, even hiring one of them to become "FOE Lady" running the new base operations for this chapter of FOE. They went ahead and paid her salary for the month, along with a bartender and server; she was able to trade out the armor and weapons that the team had been collecting from their adventuring.
Mory, Seiken, Elyrin, and Bleaksin went through some of the disputed territory and killed 2 orcs, 1 gnoll, and 2 goblins. They made it to the wizard tower (that Seiken and the others had previously secured) but Oozey still had the key and someone else had taken up residence there. Seiken made his way up the wall, into the 4th floor window with the team following after them. They killed 6 zombies, a ghast, 3 ghouls, and 4 skeletons. There was a teleport circle and some books in the room.
Monday, April 16, 2018
4U 9: Shattered Fang
The RPG SAGA continues with "The Dream Team" of:
Koriel "Kori" the aasimar (human-looking) arcane archer,
"Puff" the gnome dream druid,
Aegle the winged elf kensei monk,
and their allies...
DM Note
What fun we have! The group keeps recruiting more NPCs. And when the NPCs die, they keep paying to bring them back to life. It's funny because they just keep getting more and more of them.
4U Session 9 Log
Homebrew Campaign (Alternate Forgotten Realms)
[Modules: Modified -----]
At the Bayou Brigade Fort: Kori, her former werewolf friend Mel Ramhorn, Puff, his kobold druid trainee, Aegle, Frazzle, and Acidfire ate breakfast together after Puff had visions of displacer beasts coming toward the fort. They finally received their invitation to go to Stormkeep (a.k.a. The Obsidian Fang), but decided they first wanted to go clear out the remaining enemies at Spellgard. Acidfire hired two human leatherworkers to follow them around (in hopes of getting displacer beast hide for future magic cloaks). A group of ravens were in the swamp.
On their journey, the team defeated 4 displacer crows. They arrived at the Spellgard ruins and rested in the monastery. In the morning, Puff handed over the cursed crown to Kori, who put it in the bag of holding. Mel took them through the catacombs and they found magical explosion trap rigged to destroy the tower and the underground tunnels. Puff was able to animal form into a badger and safely set if off while burrowing into the ground.
After the group blew up the tower, Aegle found a brownscale kobold who told them the gnome wizard and oni had already fled, in the direction of Stormkeep. In the swamp there was a huge battle with aberration monsters versus the lizardfolk army - leaving most of them dead. The team witnessed a huge magical explosion that destroyed the above ground "Obsidian Fang" and went to investigate. The ancient black dragon was dead! Kori ended up with a blackscale kobold on her shoulders. They had to kill the evil dozen kobold guards (with 3 kobold clerics). They explored the ruins and found underground levels below.
They helped 2 scared-looking gnomes escape - but later realized that was the evil wizard and oni in disguise; the villains used their remaining magic to hide in the swamp (specifically, in a secret thieve's den hideout tunnel that went below Stormkeep). The team bribed the 12 assassin ladies patrolling the level and then fought/killed the main enemies: the assassin leader, the assassin's cleric, the evil gnome wizard, and the oni.
In the end, they were going to go get the leather workers (who stopped back in the swamp to get displacer beast hides) and go back to the fort - but instead, they found that the ancient dragon's dead body was gone from the field outside the keep; a blackscale kobold told them "The Dark Lady" wanted to raise the body as a dracolich! Puff said they had to stop her...
Koriel "Kori" the aasimar (human-looking) arcane archer,
"Puff" the gnome dream druid,
Aegle the winged elf kensei monk,
and their allies...
DM Note
What fun we have! The group keeps recruiting more NPCs. And when the NPCs die, they keep paying to bring them back to life. It's funny because they just keep getting more and more of them.
4U Session 9 Log
Homebrew Campaign (Alternate Forgotten Realms)
[Modules: Modified -----]
At the Bayou Brigade Fort: Kori, her former werewolf friend Mel Ramhorn, Puff, his kobold druid trainee, Aegle, Frazzle, and Acidfire ate breakfast together after Puff had visions of displacer beasts coming toward the fort. They finally received their invitation to go to Stormkeep (a.k.a. The Obsidian Fang), but decided they first wanted to go clear out the remaining enemies at Spellgard. Acidfire hired two human leatherworkers to follow them around (in hopes of getting displacer beast hide for future magic cloaks). A group of ravens were in the swamp.
On their journey, the team defeated 4 displacer crows. They arrived at the Spellgard ruins and rested in the monastery. In the morning, Puff handed over the cursed crown to Kori, who put it in the bag of holding. Mel took them through the catacombs and they found magical explosion trap rigged to destroy the tower and the underground tunnels. Puff was able to animal form into a badger and safely set if off while burrowing into the ground.
After the group blew up the tower, Aegle found a brownscale kobold who told them the gnome wizard and oni had already fled, in the direction of Stormkeep. In the swamp there was a huge battle with aberration monsters versus the lizardfolk army - leaving most of them dead. The team witnessed a huge magical explosion that destroyed the above ground "Obsidian Fang" and went to investigate. The ancient black dragon was dead! Kori ended up with a blackscale kobold on her shoulders. They had to kill the evil dozen kobold guards (with 3 kobold clerics). They explored the ruins and found underground levels below.
They helped 2 scared-looking gnomes escape - but later realized that was the evil wizard and oni in disguise; the villains used their remaining magic to hide in the swamp (specifically, in a secret thieve's den hideout tunnel that went below Stormkeep). The team bribed the 12 assassin ladies patrolling the level and then fought/killed the main enemies: the assassin leader, the assassin's cleric, the evil gnome wizard, and the oni.
In the end, they were going to go get the leather workers (who stopped back in the swamp to get displacer beast hides) and go back to the fort - but instead, they found that the ancient dragon's dead body was gone from the field outside the keep; a blackscale kobold told them "The Dark Lady" wanted to raise the body as a dracolich! Puff said they had to stop her...
Friday, April 13, 2018
4U 5-8: The Dream Team
The RPG SAGA continues with "The Dream Team" of:
Koriel "Kori" the aasimar (human-looking) arcane archer,
"Puff" the gnome dream druid,
Aegle the winged elf kensei monk,
and their allies...
4U Sessions 5-8 Logs
Homebrew Campaign (Alternate Forgotten Realms)
DM Note
I haven’t done a good job of keeping up the logs. January/February was cold, freezing cold, and we missed a lot of RPG time; February/March also saw work schedules getting in the way of game time, but we have managed to get together and roll the dice a few times. We also skipped a week to go watch the movie READY PLAYER ONE. We may miss again soon for AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR. Since the campaign is starting to get settled, I’ve been doing more DM prep (though, hilariously, I’ll plan for the team going left and they’ll go right causing me to still improvise more – but that’s ok because it’s fun).
Session 5:
This adventure was framed around the team being assaulted by the ooze-infected earth elemental at the beginning (with him stealing Puff’s crown) and then the team ultimately tracking him down and defeating him (to get the crown back). Along the way, they also explored the swampy underground mines/tunnels (killing the nagas/guards who warned them of the snake people living under the hills). They also found magic gems with elementals trapped inside (one of which Puff used to defeat the ooze-infected earth elemental). In the end, the singing sword was encased in gem. Also, the old mayor and Red’s mom were killed by the main enemy; the team went back to the village and helped the druid Halfling Barefoot become the new mayor.
Session 6:
Not wanting to face the bandits at their hideout just yet – Kori, Puff, and Frazzle decided to explore the well underneath Grandma’s old house in the woods while Aegle spent some downtime making Puff bone armor. The team met “Kelp” (who looked like a water genasi gnome and seemed to be a warlock of some strange power in the swamp south of the forest), who joined them. In the tunnels under the well, the team also befriended the young black dragon “Acidfire” who had been looking for the ancient Netherese treasure vault he called the Obsidian Fang. They got barrels from town and went to the Ryali statue to fill them with holy water – but ended up leaving them behind. Acidfire and Kelp died while helping the team defeat the enemies at the bandit HQ (which included Vivacious the succubus and the young necromancer). The team destroyed Kelp’s strange idol and brought Acidfire’s dead body back to Tholmme, where Barefoot reincarnated him as a half-elf.
Session 7:
Barefoot (who was sick with a magical curse) assigned Kori, Puff, Frazzle, and Acidfire to find out why the river was drying up; they left a note for Aegle, who flew out and joined them as soon as he could. Their investigation led them to the hills, where they had to kill 2 hill giants and fight a yuan-ti who called himself Mr. Underhill; the yuan-ti escaped after telling them a rumor about a silver dragon living nearby. The team found the Bayou Brigade’s wooden fort in the swamp with water elemental symbols; they were a team of mostly lizardfolk warriors who served the ancient black dragon of Stormkeep and had a death cleric shaman lady. Puff agreed to take the oath to serve the old dragon and the next day the team met “The Dark Lady” (half-black dragon) to give magic items as tribute and arrange for a message for a future meeting with him. The Dark Lady gave them the magical cure for Barefoot and agreed to use their water elemental connections to restore the river. The team returned to the village and saved Barefoot. After six days, the river returned to normal.
Session 8:
[Module: 4E Scepter Tower of Spellgard]
Puff finally had enough time to figure out treasure locations from the book Old Gnawbone had given him, matching them up from that universe to this one. Kori, Puff, Frazzle, and Acidfire decided to go to the nearby ruins of Spellgard in hopes of getting treasure there. They left a map and note for Aegle and headed off, killing 4 ettercaps on the way. Aegle joined them after the battle. Outside Spellgard was a monastery inhabited by an obviously evil rival adventuring party (that called themselves the FCC). The FCC had already cleared the catacombs, but agreed to let the party clear out the tower; the team killed ettercaps, spiders, gnome warriors, and gnome wizards; only Kori, Puff, and Aegle survived. They then, with the help of some kobolds, had to kill the 5 FCC team members (thus rescuing a captured wererat). When another wave of enemies (an oni with 8 kobolds who served the master gnome wizard) came at them, the team intimidated them into leaving.
Kori, Puff, and Aegle made it to the Bayou Brigade Fort and paid to have Frazzle and Acidfire resurrected by the frogfolk druid/cleric (with a snake holy symbol). They spent days waiting to hear back from the ancient dragon of Stormkeep. Puff went through the initiation ritual to become an official shaman for the fort and got to know the guards. Aegle spent time with the strange old human smith lady with a shop there. Kori paid 500 gp to cure the wererat/human fighter they rescued from the FCC (and spent time befriending him).
Koriel "Kori" the aasimar (human-looking) arcane archer,
"Puff" the gnome dream druid,
Aegle the winged elf kensei monk,
and their allies...
4U Sessions 5-8 Logs
Homebrew Campaign (Alternate Forgotten Realms)
DM Note
I haven’t done a good job of keeping up the logs. January/February was cold, freezing cold, and we missed a lot of RPG time; February/March also saw work schedules getting in the way of game time, but we have managed to get together and roll the dice a few times. We also skipped a week to go watch the movie READY PLAYER ONE. We may miss again soon for AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR. Since the campaign is starting to get settled, I’ve been doing more DM prep (though, hilariously, I’ll plan for the team going left and they’ll go right causing me to still improvise more – but that’s ok because it’s fun).
Session 5:
This adventure was framed around the team being assaulted by the ooze-infected earth elemental at the beginning (with him stealing Puff’s crown) and then the team ultimately tracking him down and defeating him (to get the crown back). Along the way, they also explored the swampy underground mines/tunnels (killing the nagas/guards who warned them of the snake people living under the hills). They also found magic gems with elementals trapped inside (one of which Puff used to defeat the ooze-infected earth elemental). In the end, the singing sword was encased in gem. Also, the old mayor and Red’s mom were killed by the main enemy; the team went back to the village and helped the druid Halfling Barefoot become the new mayor.
Session 6:
Not wanting to face the bandits at their hideout just yet – Kori, Puff, and Frazzle decided to explore the well underneath Grandma’s old house in the woods while Aegle spent some downtime making Puff bone armor. The team met “Kelp” (who looked like a water genasi gnome and seemed to be a warlock of some strange power in the swamp south of the forest), who joined them. In the tunnels under the well, the team also befriended the young black dragon “Acidfire” who had been looking for the ancient Netherese treasure vault he called the Obsidian Fang. They got barrels from town and went to the Ryali statue to fill them with holy water – but ended up leaving them behind. Acidfire and Kelp died while helping the team defeat the enemies at the bandit HQ (which included Vivacious the succubus and the young necromancer). The team destroyed Kelp’s strange idol and brought Acidfire’s dead body back to Tholmme, where Barefoot reincarnated him as a half-elf.
Session 7:
Barefoot (who was sick with a magical curse) assigned Kori, Puff, Frazzle, and Acidfire to find out why the river was drying up; they left a note for Aegle, who flew out and joined them as soon as he could. Their investigation led them to the hills, where they had to kill 2 hill giants and fight a yuan-ti who called himself Mr. Underhill; the yuan-ti escaped after telling them a rumor about a silver dragon living nearby. The team found the Bayou Brigade’s wooden fort in the swamp with water elemental symbols; they were a team of mostly lizardfolk warriors who served the ancient black dragon of Stormkeep and had a death cleric shaman lady. Puff agreed to take the oath to serve the old dragon and the next day the team met “The Dark Lady” (half-black dragon) to give magic items as tribute and arrange for a message for a future meeting with him. The Dark Lady gave them the magical cure for Barefoot and agreed to use their water elemental connections to restore the river. The team returned to the village and saved Barefoot. After six days, the river returned to normal.
Session 8:
[Module: 4E Scepter Tower of Spellgard]
Puff finally had enough time to figure out treasure locations from the book Old Gnawbone had given him, matching them up from that universe to this one. Kori, Puff, Frazzle, and Acidfire decided to go to the nearby ruins of Spellgard in hopes of getting treasure there. They left a map and note for Aegle and headed off, killing 4 ettercaps on the way. Aegle joined them after the battle. Outside Spellgard was a monastery inhabited by an obviously evil rival adventuring party (that called themselves the FCC). The FCC had already cleared the catacombs, but agreed to let the party clear out the tower; the team killed ettercaps, spiders, gnome warriors, and gnome wizards; only Kori, Puff, and Aegle survived. They then, with the help of some kobolds, had to kill the 5 FCC team members (thus rescuing a captured wererat). When another wave of enemies (an oni with 8 kobolds who served the master gnome wizard) came at them, the team intimidated them into leaving.
Kori, Puff, and Aegle made it to the Bayou Brigade Fort and paid to have Frazzle and Acidfire resurrected by the frogfolk druid/cleric (with a snake holy symbol). They spent days waiting to hear back from the ancient dragon of Stormkeep. Puff went through the initiation ritual to become an official shaman for the fort and got to know the guards. Aegle spent time with the strange old human smith lady with a shop there. Kori paid 500 gp to cure the wererat/human fighter they rescued from the FCC (and spent time befriending him).
CoMT 6: Burn it Down!
The Adventures of the Criminals of Many Things continue with:
Seiken the elf kensei monk,
Mory Brewblood the dwarf cleric,
Elyrin the human necromancer, and
Bleaksin Blackscale the kobold scout!
CoMT Session 6
Homebrew FR Campaign: The City of Many Things
While Mory, Seiken, and Elyrin were having breakfast at their new FOE tavern – the blackscale kobold scout Bleaksin interrupted them with news that the forest orcs had kidnapped some new refugees from Naeb that were travelling toward the city. Bleaksin joined the team, traveled a day out to the wooden orc fort, and prepared to assault the place in order to rescue the captured humans. On the way, they defeated 2 brown bears.



In a huge battle, the team defeated the troll leader and 9 orcs (most of which were actually orogs) by setting the place on fire. The captured humans were freaked out, but managed to survive by fleeing and hiding in the woods during the battle. All together, the team saved 8 refugees. At the end, the team was still at the half-burned down fort – but they were planning the 2-day trip back to the City of Many Things with all of the loot/gear they had acquired.
Seiken the elf kensei monk,
Mory Brewblood the dwarf cleric,
Elyrin the human necromancer, and
Bleaksin Blackscale the kobold scout!
CoMT Session 6
Homebrew FR Campaign: The City of Many Things
While Mory, Seiken, and Elyrin were having breakfast at their new FOE tavern – the blackscale kobold scout Bleaksin interrupted them with news that the forest orcs had kidnapped some new refugees from Naeb that were travelling toward the city. Bleaksin joined the team, traveled a day out to the wooden orc fort, and prepared to assault the place in order to rescue the captured humans. On the way, they defeated 2 brown bears.



CoMT 5: Reclamation
The Adventures of the Criminals of Many Things continue with:
Seiken the elf kensei monk,
Parker the tabaxi rogue,
"Oozey" Snakestaff the water genasi moon druid,
Mory Brewblood the dwarf cleric,
and Elyrin the human necromancer!
CoMT Session 5
Homebrew FR Campaign: The City of Many Things
After defeating the bandits and claiming the tavern as the new FOE HQ – Mory, Seiken, Oozey, and Parker went outside and saw the main city gates open up for the one-eyed human wizard/necromancer Elyrin. The team told him about the City of Many Things, the Federation of Explorers, and the wizard tower that was still in the orc-controlled territory. Elyrin was mostly interested in the wizard tower, but he agreed to join the group and help them. Mory claimed the brewery for himself. Oozey and Parker were offended by Elyrin being a necromancer and decided to leave the adventuring party and work out of the noble district FOE HQ after the team looted the area (calling it “reclamation” instead of looting).
The entire team went through the “wild lands” district to get back to the noble district; they had to fight and kill 3 gnolls and a shadow demon. Once back, they met with Breylinn (kobold leader), Bruth (refugee leader), and the leader of the Roaming Gold Caravan in order to arrange people moving to the newly acquired area. Breylinn sent a silver dragonborn with 15 kobolds, in addition to the 5 kobolds that were now training with Mory. The team spent time getting the human guards and caravan to the new area as well. They put up defenses with barricades and traps. They also calculated they would need about 5,000 gp and 100 days to setup a fortification at the nearby mines in the forest (which take about a half-day to get to). They would need to accumulate more money for that.
Seiken the elf kensei monk,
Parker the tabaxi rogue,
"Oozey" Snakestaff the water genasi moon druid,
Mory Brewblood the dwarf cleric,
and Elyrin the human necromancer!
CoMT Session 5
Homebrew FR Campaign: The City of Many Things
After defeating the bandits and claiming the tavern as the new FOE HQ – Mory, Seiken, Oozey, and Parker went outside and saw the main city gates open up for the one-eyed human wizard/necromancer Elyrin. The team told him about the City of Many Things, the Federation of Explorers, and the wizard tower that was still in the orc-controlled territory. Elyrin was mostly interested in the wizard tower, but he agreed to join the group and help them. Mory claimed the brewery for himself. Oozey and Parker were offended by Elyrin being a necromancer and decided to leave the adventuring party and work out of the noble district FOE HQ after the team looted the area (calling it “reclamation” instead of looting).
The entire team went through the “wild lands” district to get back to the noble district; they had to fight and kill 3 gnolls and a shadow demon. Once back, they met with Breylinn (kobold leader), Bruth (refugee leader), and the leader of the Roaming Gold Caravan in order to arrange people moving to the newly acquired area. Breylinn sent a silver dragonborn with 15 kobolds, in addition to the 5 kobolds that were now training with Mory. The team spent time getting the human guards and caravan to the new area as well. They put up defenses with barricades and traps. They also calculated they would need about 5,000 gp and 100 days to setup a fortification at the nearby mines in the forest (which take about a half-day to get to). They would need to accumulate more money for that.
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